Chapter 14

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"You girls going to sit here for a while?" Stephan asked once the boys got the umbrella and chairs set up.

"Yeah gonna catch some rays before we jump in the water." Vi answered, taking off her t-shirt.

The image of Stephan's eyes popping out of his head crossed my mind when I saw him staring at her. I'm pretty sure his jaw went slack too. Vi, completely oblivious to his reaction, took off her shorts, bending over to put them in her bag. Matt and Nick had to grab Stephan's shoulders once they observed his unsteadiness.

I coughed and covered my mouth to trap the laughs that wanted to come out.

"Come on my ginger friend, let's get you cooled off." Micah steered Stephan away.

Next to strip out of their clothes was Rosie. Felix took one look at her and you could see the combination of rage and lust fill his eyes. I expected him to say something by the way his lips parted but he shook his head and took off his shirt joining the guys in the water who were starting a game of frisbee.

"Alex, it's your turn." Vi smirked looking between me and Jaxon who was over at the cooler.

I rolled my eyes quickly figuring out her intentions. But I played along wanting to see his reaction, if he had the belief that I was just gonna go easy he is very much mistaken.

I cross my arms across my body grabbing the end of my shirt with both hands, bringing it up slowly all I can think is please don't get stuck around my head, please don't get stuck. Once it is successfully off with no issues I glance over at Jaxon to see his jaw wide open and the drink that he had in his hand is now spilling out on the sand where it was dropped.

I grin and turn around taking off my shorts, I bend over to grab the bottle of sunscreen Vi is handing me and I smirk at her when she gives me a mischievous grin.

Turning back around I walk over to Jaxon and peer up at him.

"Would you help a girl out?" I hold the sunscreen out to him.

He clears his throat and takes it from me, "I see your game hermosa, don't think you're fooling me."

"I have no idea what you mean." I try to sound innocent.

He laughs, "Just turn around."

I face away from him expecting to see Vi and Rosie looking at us but they're already laying face down on the beach blanket.

Jaxon starts at my shoulders sliding his hands up to the sides of my neck and then down the back of my spine, when he gets to the edge of the bikini bottoms I feel goosebumps start to rise on every part of my body. He spreads the sunscreen out and up the sides of my body, I fight the shiver that threatens to take over my body at the feeling of his hands on my body.

"This might be affecting me much more than it's affecting you." He whispers into my ear.

"How?" I hate how breathless my words sound.

"Running my hands up the length of your body, feeling your warm skin under my hands. I can feel the goosebumps that have taken over your body at my touch," He trails his hands up my arms. "You can't act unaffected this time hermosa, your body gives you away."

Jaxon turns me around resting his hands on either side of my neck with his thumbs moving back and forth against my jaw, and tilts my head up. "As much as I enjoy touching you, I'm gonna be a gentleman and let you sunscreen the rest of your body. Don't wanna get too touchy in the first week I know you."

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