Chapter 28

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A/N: Translations are in the comments.

Jaxon's POV

The moment she didn't answer any of my text messages after saying there was someone at the door I knew there was something wrong. The second Brett texted me saying that it was really bad my heart sank.

I threw clothes on hoping that they didn't stink and were somewhat matching before running down the stairs.

"Sobrino, ¿adónde vas?" Tía asks.

"Algo pasó en la casa de Alex." I shove my feet into my shoes and rush out the house.

It normally takes ten minutes to get to her house from mine but I pulled into the driveway in five. Fear has taken over my body at what I'm walking into. Brett said it was bad, but I don't know how bad.

The past three days have been really hard on her and her family. I was there when Mr. Romano said he wanted to get out, when he said he wanted to come back to his family. I saw the relief that went through my girl and her mom's bodies. I also saw the fear that went through them the second gunfire sounded through the computer.

If I'm walking into what I think I'm walking into I feel like shit. I reassured Alex, I told her that her dad would do anything to get back to them. I have no doubt that he tried but in the end it doesn't matter because he's not coming back in the way they wanted him to.

She loves him with everything in her. Now she'll never see him again. My heart breaks for her, for her entire family. I haven't seen how she's reacted but my entire body aches at the pain I know she's going through.

I pull up to her house and barely put the car in park before I'm running up to the front door. I stand outside it and take a deep breath. My heart's beating out of my chest, I don't know what I'm walking into and it's scaring the shit out of me.

I knock on the door and wait. Coach opens the door and I feel my stomach sink at the look on his face.

"Hey kid."

I nod, not able to look past the tears gathered in his eyes.

"It's bad. Jordan's upstairs and Fiona is in her room, so it's just Alex down here. Just prepare yourself."

I follow him inside and close the door behind me. It's almost silent except for the loud sobs coming from the living room. I press a hand to my chest and try to rub away the ache that becomes present at the sound.

I walk into the room and have to swallow to get rid of the lump that's formed from the sight in front of me.

Curled into a ball with her head hidden in her hands is my hermosa. She looks miserable. Her shoulders are shaking from the force of her cries and now that I've seen her I don't think I can make her feel better.

Brett sits next to her, his hand hovering over her back almost as if he's scared to touch her. Like if he places a hand on her it'll make her worse.

His head tilts up at the sound of my footsteps and I see the instant relief on his face. Why do these people think that anything I do is gonna make her stop crying? She just lost her father. You think me being here is gonna erase all of that? Fuck no.

I round the couch just as Brett stands and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Be gentle." He advises.

As if I'd be anything but.

I crouch down in front of her and hesitate to place a hand on her. I was just talking shit about Brett doing it and now I'm the one scared to touch her. Jesus Christ, we really don't know how to handle grief do we.

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