Chapter 9

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"How many gatorades did you buy?" Rosie asks, struggling to hold the bags.

"I bought them each two drinks, water and gatorade. I know they have the bottles that junior varsity brings out but I wanted them to have enough." I grabbed two of the bags so she wasn't carrying all of them.

"Also what is with all this food?" Vi nods her head to the tower of food she's carrying.

"You know they didn't eat before putting their gear on, which means that they haven't eaten since lunch, and you also know that they're not gonna eat before we go to Brett's so they'll be drinking on empty stomachs. I don't know about you but I really don't wanna be dealing with a drunken Micah." I explained.

"Okay you have a point, I guess." Rosie agrees.

"Girls! Looks like you brought enough to feed a hoard." Uncle Ricky calls from over the fence.

"Hey Uncle Ricky, just trying to feed the guys ya know."

"Did you bring enough to feed the whole team or just your boys?" He questions.

"As much as the idea about just buying for them crossed my mind, I didn't want anybody else to go hungry so, yes there's enough for the entire team." I confirm.

"Alright well, go on in there. But make it quick the game starts soon and I don't want their focus to be anywhere but on the game." Uncle Ricky glares playfully.

"We will." Rosie smiles at him.

We cross the football field where the opposing team is currently warming up, to head into the boys locker room. As soon as the door shuts behind us forty pairs of eyes all turn to stare at us. God no matter how many times I do this during the school year it's still extremely intimidating to have so many eyes on you.

"Fuck yes Alex's here!" Micah pushes his way through bodies.

"I tried to get light food since y'all are about to play a game and I don't really wanna see forty piles of puke on the field. So there's three containers of rice, mixed veggies, and some chicken for after the game. There's also a container of tortillas somewhere in that stack, they should still be warm after the game if not I'll just sneak into the cafeteria and heat them up." I explained.

"Are they corn or flour tortillas?" Jaxon comes to stand next to Micah pulling his baseball hat over his eyes.

"They're flour tortillas. At least that's what the lady told me." I smile at him.

"Can I put these down now? They're getting really fucking heavy." Vi strains.

"Oh yeah sorry, I guess you can just put them in Coach's office for right now," I move to open the door for her, "I also got you guys drinks, but now I don't know if there's gonna be enough for all of you. Just take what you guys want and if there isn't any left the junior varsity has extra water bottles."

"Honestly Alex you're the best." Micah wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"We should probably hurry up before Coach comes dragging us out of here." Rosie passes the drink bags to Felix and Brett.

"Thanks Alex." Choruses out around us.

"Anytime guys. Good luck tonight, kick some Atlanta ass." I grin at them.

That makes the guys cheer out.

"You need a picture for Jordan after the game right?" Micah looks down at me.

"Yeah so after you guys do your end game huddle we'll make our way over to you. Round everybody up for me?" I ask.

"You got it babe." He leans down to kiss my temple. "You better be cheering for me."

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