Chapter 6

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"Lex!" A tiny voice calls out.

I turn from the girls to see Jordan running towards me.

"Slow down there kid, wouldn't want you to fall." I call back to him.

He tries to slow down before he reaches me but he still crashes into my legs at top speed.

"Alright there Flash." I laugh and pull him back.

"Have they started yet?" Jordan asks immediately.

"I think they're just stretching right now J, but we should probably hurry." Vi ruffles his hair.

"Oh hey Vi, hey Rosie." He waves.

"Hey Jordan. How was school?" Rosie asks.

"It was so fun, today we got to cut up magazines and glue the pictures we chose onto a poster." He grinned.

"Was that your favorite part of the day?" I asked him.

He looks back at me and nods, "Chris got the glue in his hair and Mrs Riley had to send him to the nurse to get it out."

"Little man!" The guys call out as soon as we get to the field.

"Hey guys!" He waves at them.

They walk over to the fence and lean down to give him high-fives except for Felix who ruffles his hair.

"You want a front row seat today little man?" Micah asks him.

Jordan looks at me for approval.

"Go ahead kid tell Uncle Ricky I said hi."

"Let's go guys!" He fist pumps.

They all laugh while Felix leans over the fence to hoist Jordan on to his shoulders.

"Make way, make way! Future Lion quarterback coming through." The guys form a march as they make their way back to the benches.

"It's kinda cute how sweet they act with him." Vi notices.

"I mean Jordan did grow up around them so they're basically his glorified big brothers."

"Come on, we'll sneak over to our spot while Jordan distracts Coach." Vi nudges us through the fence and across the field quickly.

Coach is Dad's best friend from high school, our Uncle Ricky, he was the wide receiver back in the day when they played for Richmond, which makes him this huge guy, even in his late thirties. When they graduated, Dad went to the military and Uncle Ricky went to college to get a degree so that he could take over the coach position when he got older. He's also Brett's dad.

"Uncle Ricky sees everything Vi, he knows we're sneaking over here just like he knows we've been doing it for the past four years." I snorted.

"Don't ruin the one rebellious thing I do." She narrows her eyes.

I hold my hands up in surrender. "Sorry."

"How do you think Jaxon is gonna do?" Rosie asks.

"You guys watched him at tryouts yesterday, how do you think he did?"

"Honestly I think the guys are gonna have fun with him this season. He never missed or fumbled a pass. He'll help us get to states for sure." Vi praised him.

"Damn that good?" I whistled.

"Definitely better than any running back we've had." Rosie agrees.

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