Chapter 5

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The next morning was a rough start, Vi couldn't pick me up because her car wouldn't start so I ended up having to walk. I forgot my psych notebook only realizing it when I was almost at school, so I had to run back home to grab it. Halfway through my second trip it started raining, which made my hair frizz up making me look like I stuck a fork in a socket.

That leads us to now, when I slipped on the floor because of a puddle and now my jeans are soaking wet.

"I'm sorry Alex, but come on it's really fucking funny." Violet laughs.

"I look like I pissed myself that's not fucking funny Vi." I glare at her.

From down the hall I hear a straight up cackle which can only be from one person and I roll my eyes knowing exactly who it's from.

"Alex what the fuck happened to you." Micah wheezes out.

"I slipped dumbass and it's not that funny."

"You look like you pissed yourself that's fucking hilarious." Felix clutches his stomach.

That only gets Micah going again, and soon he has tears streaming down his face.

"Ha-ha yeah get it out. If one of you idiots could stop laughing for 10 seconds and help me up that'd be fucking lovely." I lift both my arms in the air waiting for them to grab them.

However all three of them are almost on the floor with how hard they're still laughing.

"Hello, drowned rat speaking." I wave at them, but still nothing.

While my focus is still on the cackling idiots, two warm hands go under my arms and pull me to my feet. Once I'm steady I turn to look behind me, craning my neck up I see that Jaxon is standing there, arms still on me. He's wearing a plain black baseball cap today.

"Hey." I smile at him.


"Thank you."

"No problem, wouldn't want you to get even more soaked than you already are." He said.

"I would have been up faster had Vi not keeled over with laughter almost immediately." I glare at her.

"I'm sorry..sorry but the way you fell was, oh, it was too much." Vi wheezed out.

"I wish you recorded that. I needed a good laugh, thank you Alex." Felix wiped the tears away.

"I'm glad I could be part of your entertainment," I look down to see the damage. "There is no way to dry that fast enough."

"I have an extra pair of jeans in my locker if you want to borrow them. Though you might not fit in them." Vi suggests.

"As much as I appreciate the offer I definitely can't fit in them."

Vi has wider hips than I do, so her clothes don't fit me which sucks cause Vi's sense of style is a whole lot better than mine.

"I have a pair of sweatpants in my bag if you want to wear those. You might have to roll them up a shit ton though." Jaxon offers.

"Sure I'll try them. Thanks, you're really saving my ass today." I thanked him.

"You saved my ass yesterday, I'm just repaying the favor." He handed me his sweats.

"Alright let me go change."

"Watch out girls, there's a drowned rat in our way." A shrill voice from behind me calls.

I turn around to find Cara and the rest of the cheer team. Did I forget to mention that? Yeah, Cara is the head cheerleader which makes her and Felix the 'perfect' couple...gag me.

"Cara you're about 5 minutes late to that joke, I've already made it. It's old news." I glare.

"Alex you really should change, it's not a good look." Veronica chimes in.

"Thanks captain obvious." I mumble.

"Hi guys." Rosie joins us.

"Hey Rosie." Micah greets her.

Rosie comes and stands at my right side, her eyes immediately go to Felix's arm wrapped around Cara's waist. Her posture becomes slouched.

"Hey, don't worry about that." I whisper.

She glances up at me and gives me a watery smile.

"Baby can we go, I'm getting bored." Cara whines.

Felix looks over at Rosie hoping to catch her eye but Rosie is doing everything she can to avoid his stare. He looks regretful but sighs and walks away.

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