Chapter 18

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A/N: You guys probably already read this one because I done f*cked up but here it is again. Pretend like you've never read it before! 

"Stan, Fiona, over here!" Aunt Martha yells over the crowd waving at us.

We arrived at Lakewood Stadium about thirty minutes ago, twenty of those were spent trying to find a place to park. The stadium can hold up to ten thousand people and it was close to being full by the time we got there.

Thankfully each school had their own set of bleachers so one side was filled with the red and gold colors of our team and opposite us was filled with blue and black for the Atlanta Knights. We're playing them again, they managed to make their way to states which hasn't happened in a long time, at least that's what Uncle Ricky told me.

"You remember being here all those years ago Stan?" Felix's dad Dave asked.

"Those were the good old days. You remember that winning touchdown Rick made just when the buzzer went off?"
That just made all the dads go into their memories of being here back in senior year.

I lay a blanket down on the bleacher next to Vi before plopping down.

"What's up bitches?"

"I am so nervous." Rosie says.

"Yeah me too." Vi agrees.

"Jaxon said he was too, and if he is you know the rest of the guys are as well." I lean forward to look at both of them.

"Stephan said the same, what about Felix? Did he say he was nervous?" Vi asks Rosie.

"Why would I know how Felix is feeling?" Rosie huffs.

Oh right, they haven't been on the best of terms lately. Felix has been spending less time with us and more time with Cara so we don't really see him that often. Rosie sees him even less than we do so it's been hard for her to deal with it.

Vi glances over at me before looking back at Rosie, "He's still not talking to you?"

"He'll send me a text every now and then when we're not in school but it's basically just asking what the homework was or asking how my parents are. And it's like I get why he's doing it but I just hate it. It's just frustrating that he can't manage between us and her." She sniffed.

"Oh shit, speaking of the she-devil here come her parents." Vi nudged the both of us.

I look down and sure enough Cara's Mom and Dad are making their way up the bleachers towards our large group. I hear Dave groan followed by Felix's Mom Alice smacking him.

"David you be nice, just because we don't like their daughter with our son doesn't mean we have to be rude to the people who made her." She whispers.

"I don't really like them either if we're being honest. I think they don't like that Felix is with their uptight perfect daughter." Dave gags.

"You shut up, they're coming closer." Alice scolds him.

"Alice, Dave, so nice to see you again." Cara's dad holds his hand out to Dave to shake.

I notice him roll his eyes before standing up to shake it.

"Yes you two as well. Can't wait to watch Cara and the rest of the cheerleaders' half-time performance." Alice fake smiles.

"Oh she's been working so hard with the girls to make this one super special. She even went on a strict diet to be able to do some of the flips." Cara's Mom chimes in.

I look over at the girls and roll my eyes. How much stricter can her diet be? All she eats is salads.

"Well we're gonna go sit with the other girl's parents, but maybe we'll catch up after the game. I'm sure Felix is going to put on one hell of a game."

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