Chapter 30

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(translations are in the comments.)

Jaxon's POV

I love my friends, I do, but it seems that every single one of them knew that Alex and I were not really together at the moment. So it made the entire night so awkward. They tried not to bring her up but I didn't think that was fair to them seeing as how she's been there their entire lives. I know they were doing it for me but the thing is I love hearing stories about her, anything they're willing to share I'm willing to hear.

Micah almost asked me to give her gifts to her before he thought better of it and asked Vi and Rosie to do it. I wish he did ask me though, it would've given me the excuse I need to go see her.

We haven't talked in three days and I'm Lex deprived. This is the longest we've ever gone with not seeing or talking to each other and I can't stand it. I need to know how she's doing, if she's feeling okay, if she's getting enough to eat and if she's getting enough sleep.

I was willing to give her the space, I really was. But now I don't think I can go much longer without seeing her.

Leaving her that night, after seeing those tears in her eyes and watching them trail down her face has got to be the hardest fucking thing I've ever had to do. If I didn't think she needed the time with her family I would drive over right now.

But instead I'm pulling into my driveway looking up at an empty, dark house. I just want to wrap her in my arms and hold tight, tight enough to let her know that I'm never letting her go.

I'm glad my family isn't home, I need the quiet right now. I need to be alone with my thoughts, even if all I've been doing these past few days is thinking.

I walk into the house and let out a sigh of relief knowing I have the next couple hours to myself. I just need to go to bed, at least I know I'll see her in my dreams.

Pushing my door open I have to blink a couple times to make sure I'm seeing this correctly. Laying curled up on my side of the bed is the girl I haven't been able to stop thinking about.

Taking my shoes off by the door I quietly make my way over to her. I crouch down and resist the urge to wake her when I notice she's sleeping.

Her lips are parted and a strand of hair has fallen over her face. Slowly I tuck the hair behind her ear and pause my movements when I notice she's burrowed further into the pillow.

When she doesn't wake I take the opportunity to run my gaze over her face. The dark purple circles under her eyes are made more noticeable by the paleness of her skin. I guess that answers my question about if she was getting enough sleep, it's clear she isn't.

She looks exhausted even when she's resting. God I can't believe she's actually here. It seems she was missing me just as much as I was missing her.

I lean forward and press a kiss to her forehead before standing and heading to my closet to change. I keep my back to her as I lift my shirt over my head and toss it in the hamper, my jeans follow and I grab a pair of sweatpants from my dresser.

When I turn around I'm taken aback by the green eyes staring back at me. They start to tear up and I'm quick to rush over to her.

"Whoa, hang on. What are these for?" I pull her into a sitting position and clutch her arms.

Her lips quiver and the tears start to stream down her face, "I'm so sorry."

"Baby." I whisper and tug her into my arms.

Lost Cause Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora