Chapter 4

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In another area of the woods, one not too far from where Alastor lived, a large number of mythical creatures were being rounded up and evicted from their homes. moved to some other place that would most likely not meet their proper living conditions. Imps, trolls, werewolves, centaurs, fawns, kappas, sprites, they and anything related to them were no longer welcome in the nine kingdoms. They were considered undesirables that either had no worth or only caused trouble so a law was passed to have them removed.

Leading this was Captain Pentious, commander of the royal guards that served in the Fourth kingdom. An intelligent man who had a gift for machinery and order. He designed excellent weapons and armor while also making sure things were kept organized. An example would be keeping track of each creature that was brought to him.

"He ho hi he, troll prisoners are we." Sang seven miserable trolls as they were being led away in shackles.

"Alright that's fifty gold pieces for the trolls." Captain Pentious said writing it down and then handing the gold pieces to the human who turned them in.

"This isn't right!" Shouted one of the trolls. "If you lock us up who will protect Princess Octavia? King Stolas entrusted us with her care!"

"A likely story." The captain said. "As if a king would trust some filthy trolls to look after his daughter."

"He had to! She wasn't safe in the castle! His sister is crazy! She wants to kill her! You have to believe us!"

"Silence! Take them away!"

The next unfortunate creature was a banshee called Mayberry who's only crime was trying to teach human children how to make herbal remedies. Two of the children she taught told their mother and she captured Mayberry, turning her in the very next day. The woman was hailed as a hero by the adults but the children were in tears begging her to set the banshee free.

"Give me that!" The woman snatched Mayberry's medicine book from her and crushed it into the ground. "Teaching days are over you witch!"

"Martha you better hope I don't ever make it back here." Mayberry sneered at the woman. "Because if I do I'm going to take that shot gun of yours and shove it up your fat-"

"Enough!" Pentious said before his men slapped chains on to her wrists and dragged off. He wrote something down and brought forth some money. "That's twenty pieces of silver for the banshee. Next!"

Among the most recently brought in was a tsuchigumo called Angel. From a young age, he had been a slave to local landowner Valentino and he spent years working Angel like a donkey. He made him plow fields in the hot sun, he whipped him if Angel ever displeased him, he would starve him for days, and he kept him tied up in a shack when he wasn't working. As Angel reached adulthood he began to rebel against his "master." Back talking him, spouting insults, refusing to follow orders, and even attempting to escape. But this rebellious nature eventually pushed Valentino too far and he decided to just give Angel to Pentious.

Now as much as Angel hated being Valentino's slave, he knew that being caught by Pentious's forces was almost a fate worse than death. The man Captain Pentious served had been known to torture mythical creatures and make their lives feel like hell on earth. He even executed some. The order said that the creatures were only going to be evicted but Angel would not trust the likes of Pentious's boss.

"Please don't turn me in! I'll never be stubborn again!" Angel begged Valentino. "I can change! Please give me another chance!"

"Oh shut up!" He snapped, raising his arm as a threat to strike him.

"Next!" Pentious called.

An old man placed a small young woman with pigtails on display. Height aside, she looked like a perfectly normal human being.

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