Chapter 14

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Angel, it seemed, had gotten himself into something of a situation. When Alastor had tracked him down to the adze's chamber, he was greeted by a most peculiar sight. There was the adze in her medium form, staring at Angel adoringly while he was anxiously pinned to the wall and trying to talk his way out of a night of romance.

"Listen babe, I won't lie to you. You seem very nice and attractive, and anyone would be lucky to have you as a life partner but I'm not emotionally ready for a commitment of magnitude." Angel babbled. "And you wouldn't want me for a mate anyway. I'm notoriously promiscuous. I could never give you fidelity."

Ignoring his protests, the adze started to play with his fluffy hair.

"Hey! That is unwanted physical contact lady!" He yelped. "Oh great you ruined my hair. Do you have any idea how long it takes me to get my hair to look nice?"

The adze just started to rub up against him and hum.

"What on earth am I looking at?" Alastor thought, confused. For a moment, he had to stop and clean his spectacles because from where he was standing, it looked like the vicious, blood-thirsty, adze was romantically interested in Angel.

"Hey what are you doing?!" Angel squealed when the she-moth creature started flapping her wings.

She was once again trying to use dance to instigate a mating ritual. Yep, it was no trick of mind or blurred image on Alastor's glasses, this creature wanted Angel. And she wanted him bad.

"Okay I'll admit it, you're a good dancer and this is kind of turning me on." Angel confessed. "But seriously, I cannot stay here! So let's just part ways as friends or maybe even as pen pals."

As amusing as this scene was, Alastor knew he had to get Angel out of this situation, which was probably the weirdest situation Alastor had ever faced. A moth wishing to mate with a spider, that over grown insect definitely had weird tastes in potential mates, but if her mind was that feral then he couldn't be too surprised.

That's when an idea came to him. Maybe he could take advantage of her feral state. If her brain was primitive enough to mate with the first male thing that comes close to her, then maybe it was primitive enough to where she would be drawn to the one thing no moth could resist. Light.

He spied a chain the led up to an un-lit candelabra.

"That could work." He concluded. "But what would I use?"

Alastor stepped back into the corridor and discovered that all he had to work with was the corpse of an archer and a lit torch. He grabbed the long dead archer's weapons, lit the sharp end of the arrow on fire with the torch, and carefully placed it into the crossbow. Then he slowly crept back into the adze's lair and aimed for the candle wick on the candelabra.

Alastor fired and the arrow successfully lit that candle, creating a whoosh sound that lured the adze's attention to look upward. When she saw the light, she predictably flew up to it. Alastor then quietly slipped over to where Angel stood. He covered Angel's mouth before he could even react and made "Shh" to signify that needed to be quiet. Angel nodded and the two began to exit the chamber with great care.

They were halfway to freedom when Angel's foot accidentally kicked over a discarded shield. It made a loud clang and hearing the noise, the adze looked down upon them and feared her anger. She immediately grew back into her more terrifying form.

Alastor and Angel ran, the adze took chase. Outside the chamber, Princess Charlie was waiting for her rescuer just as she had been instructed to do so. As Alastor went barreling past her, he scooped her up and kept running. Angel looked at Charlie. Charlie looked at Angel.

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