Chapter 8

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It was a half day's journey to the Fourth kingdom for Alastor and Angel, and it was quite a sight to the wendigo because it wasn't like any kingdom he had seen before. For one thing it lacked anything even remotely relating to the culture of medieval and it was overrun with electronic devices, flashy lights, and stereos. Not a single sign of anything relating to the simpler and primitive times.

"Are you sure we're at the right place?" Alastor asked Angel skeptically.

"Trust me, I've been to and back from this joint countless times." Angel answered. "This is the Fourth kingdom. I'd bet my life on it."

"It's a bit much isn't it?" Alastor said with distaste. "I mean I myself have never really liked modern technology but this is can't be normal."

"Hey I told you Vox wasn't rational. He's like totally obsessed with tech. Even techno geeks find him disturbing."

"Why the obsession with the modern world?"

"Who knows? I never really met him myself but I have my theories."

"I'm afraid to ask."

"Val used to have a few one-night stands with him between here and there, on occasion I would hear him ramble a few things about those nights and well...Let's just say I've concluded that Vox might be compensating for something. You know what I mean?"

"Unfortunately yes." Alastor replied, not at all amused by the innuendo.

They approached the locked gates.

"So how exactly do we get in?" Alastor asked.

"You just use the intercom." Angel answered.

"What's that?"

Angel demonstrated by pressing the button of the device attached to the gates.

"Welcome to the Fourth Kingdom, the most highly advanced civilization in the world which is under the control of the brilliant Lord Vox." A voice called from the intercom.

"They have to say that every time." Angel whispered to Alastor. "The man is more egotistical than me."

"What brings you to our glorious society?" The voice asked.

"Hey Steve, it's Angel." The tsuchigumo replied.

"I'm sorry Angel but you must inform your employer that Lord Vox has decided to end their occasional rendezvouses."

"No it's actually another delivery."

"Okay I'll be down in a minute to sign for it."

In five minutes the gates were opened and a man stepped out. As soon as he saw Alastor he became instantly terrified.

"Ahhhhhhh!" He shrieked. "Wendigo!"

"Now wait a second." Alastor said. "Just calm down. I'm not gonna eat ya."

But it was no use. The man took off running, not at all paying attention to which direction he had taken or where he was going.

"Wait Steve! Isn't that where the electric fence is?"

But Angel's warning came too late and the man called Steve went right smack into said fence which shocked him with an extremely large amount of high voltage electricity.

"Ooooo." Angel seethed as he imagined how much pain the man was undoubtedly in.

Surprisingly Steve was still alive but had most likely lost all feeling in his legs.

"Why?!" He cried in agony while crawling away. "Oh why?! Why?!"

Alastor just sighed in exasperation, then he and Angel entered through the gates and proceeded to look around for anyone who could possibly assist them. They didn't see any people but they did see a lot of things that unsettled Alastor. Not only was everything in this kingdom electronic but artificial too. The trees, the grass, the flowers, even the animals were fake and man-made. Plastic trees, rubber grass and flowers, mechanical birds, bees, and squirrels perched on the sides. Just what kind of kingdom was this?

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