Chapter 17

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Meanwhile back at the Fourth Kingdom, Vox had just received word from Blitzo that Princess Charlotte had been rescued and was on her way, so he immediately made preparations for the wedding. And by he making all the preparations, I mean he would say what he wanted done and Captain Pentious would do all the work.

"Have you booked the court house?" Vox asked him.


"And it is being remodeled just as I requested?"

"Yes. Construction should be done within three days."

"Hired someone to marry us?"

"It was difficult to find an ordained minister who wasn't religious but I got one."

"What about the stereo for the reception?"

"Got it."

"The flowers?"

"Plastic orchids."

"The food?"

"Expensive but without meat, sugar, spice, or butter. So Spring rolls, tofu sausage, and a wheat grass wedding cake."

"Excellent. Now I only need to work out the wedding attire, the decor, all the guests, my throne, and my crown. Oh Blitzo!" He called to the imp.

"Yes my lord." He replied in an annoyed tone of voice. 

"What is the most modern and futuristic fashion for bridal wear?"

"Champagne gold, cocktail dress."

"Pentious arrange for the best designer, champagne-gold, cocktail wedding dress to made and then have my finest suit pressed."

"Yes sir." Pentious said.

 "Also Blitzo, how many guests can the court house hold once the remodeling is done?"

"About everyone in the Fourth Kingdom."


"But wouldn't it just be easier to get married in a church?"

"He banned church and temple, remember?" Pentious said.

"Oh right."

"But my remodel of the court house will make it grander than a cathedral." Vox boasted. "By the time it's finished, no bride will dream of getting married anywhere else."

"I wouldn't say that." Blitzo said. "Your bride to be, like most women, has a few ideas of her own regarding her big day."

"What ideas?"

"Well for starters she didn't want a huge, extravagant display in an elaborate courthouse. She always dreamed of a simple yet lovely gathering outside, surrounded by nature."

"Why? Nature is filthy."

"She wanted live music."

"Stereo is better."

"Her favorite flowers are Magnolias. Real magnolias."

"Orchids are fancier and fake ones don't have pollen and bugs in them."

"Food that includes meat, sugar, spices, and butter."

"The vegan diet is what's hip now and I don't want my wife getting fat. What do you think people would say if their king has a queen who's a heifer."

"Is there at least going to be champagne at this thing?"

"Of course."

"Okay so there's still hope for your wedding."

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