Chapter 19

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In a little while the four of them were again making their way through the woods toward the Fourth Kingdom. During the walk, Angel tripped over a root and when he fell, he accidentally struck Alastor's tail, his most sensitive spot which in turn caused the wendigo to howl. Howl that deep, throaty, noise that he had often used to frighten away intruders or when he felt hurt or uncomfortable. And even though he only howled this time because he felt extreme discomfort, it sounded no less like a vicious, man-eating beast.

Angel and Vaggie looked at him disturbed.

"I..." Alastor said somewhat embarrassed. "I beg everyone's pardon."

"What the hell was that?" Vaggie asked.

"That's one of those freaky noises he makes when he tries to scare people." Angel said.

"Or when I'm touched in places I don't want to be touched." Alastor glared at Angel.

"Hey it was an accident. I tripped."

"Still that's a bit of an overreaction." Vaggie said.

"I can't help it. I'm apart of a very sensitive species." Alastor said. " when we're touched in sensitive areas it makes us very upset or cross."

"Well you know if you keep making noises like that, the locals will never like ya." Angel said. "Humans get scared shitless by that kind of stuff. Am I right Princess?"

But Charlie just replied by giving forth her high-pitched, echoing, wail. Angel and Vaggie covered their ears, trying to block out the ear-splitting shriek. Alastor though was not negatively effected by that sound. As a matter of fact, his ears translated it into something rather pleasant, something that made him almost swear that he was hearing a mating call. When she was finished, she flashed them a smile.

"You see Angel, even princesses make sounds that not everyone likes." She said. "And I'm sure you and Vaggie have had your moments of making unpleasant noises."

She then turned to Alastor.

"Don't be embarrassed Al. That howl of yours doesn't scare me at all. In fact I find it kind of cute."

Alastor and Angel just gaped at her surprised, and in Alastor's case, quite impressed.

"She's as freaky as you are Smiles." Angel said shocked.

Alastor laughed.

"You know." He said to Charlie. "You're not exactly what I expected my dear."

She looked at him with a playful grin.

"Well." She teased. "Maybe you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them."

She had repeated the words that he had said to Angel the night before, which made him feel embarrassed again. Had she heard all that? That moment where he let himself pour out all of his feelings of rejection, loneliness, and anger? Oh how humiliating.

She walked on humming. The other three were close behind her when suddenly Alastor stopped and his ears perked up.

"Don't move." He quietly ordered the others.

"Al what's wrong?" Charlie asked.

"We're not alone." He said. "Someone's watching us. I can feel it. No one say anything."

Charlie, Angel, and Vaggie stood perfectly still and kept their mouths shut, allowing Alastor to carefully listen for whatever or whoever was spying on them. He heard nothing at first but he knew that was only because the spy had recognized that they were now aware of another's presence. The sneak was now silently waiting, waiting for Alastor to let his guard down. But he didn't and after a few minutes had passed, Alastor heard a familiar noise. A cocking sound that any creature like him who had been hunted would recognize immediately.

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