Chapter 35

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The next day the group left that town and once again continued their journey to the Fourth Kingdom. At long last they reached a hill nearby an abandoned mill where Vox's castle could be seen in the distance.

"Well there it is Princess." Alastor said. "The Fourth Kingom, your future home."

"Goodness, it's a lot more extravagant than I thought it would be." She said wistfully.

"Yeah old Voxy tends to go overboard with everything." Angel said. "I'm sure he's compensating for something."


"You know, he has a very small-" Alastor quickly stomped on Angel's foot. "Ow!"

"I guess we...We better get going." Alastor said hesitantly.

"Sure but Al..."


Charlie found herself not wanting to go to the Fourth Kingdom just yet. She still wasn't sure what to do about her growing feelings for Alastor. She felt that perhaps, one more day with him would help her come to a resolution.

"I'm...I'm worried about Angel."

"What?" Alastor said.

"I mean look at him. He doesn't look very good. does he?"

"What are you talking about, toots? I'm fine." Angel said.

"Well that's what they always say and the next thing you know, you're on your back."

Angel looked at her confused.

"Dead." She replied.

That's when Alastor realized where Charlie was going with this. After all, did they have to rush to the Fourth Kingdom so fast?

"You know she's right." He said to Angel, stalling for time. "You look awful. Do you want to sit down?"

"No I-"

"I'll take care of him." Vaggie said, reading the room. "Come along Angel, I'll make you some tea."

"From what? You don't even have a kettle." He said while she was ushering him away, leaving Charlie and Alastor alone.

"Who's hungry?" He asked instantly. "I'll find us some dinner."

"I'll get the firewood." She offered quickly.

They moved so hastily that they accidentally bumped heads.

"Oh sorry!" They both said simultaneously. "No my fault! I...Uh...Do you wanna?"

Then they laughed nervously before going off in opposite directions. For dinner, Alastor first checked the mill for any tools he could use for cooking. He found a stew pot, two spoons, three bowls, and one knife. After that he searched the forest for ingredients. He found non-toxic mushrooms, more wild onions, hawthrone, hazel, sassafras, and a buck large enough to feed an army. He slayed the deer first and then gathred up the mushrooms, onions, and herbs. Next thing he did was locate a river of fresh water and washed the cooking appliances of dust, rust, and stains. With that finished, he filled the pot with water and went on back to the mill where Charlie had already started a fire.

"Did you do this all by yourself?" He asked her.

"Yes." She said. "When you and Angel would start the fire, I paid close attenntion."

"A willingness to learn new things? I like that in a person. Care to learn to cook?"

"You would teach me?"

"Of course."

"That's great. What are we making?"

"Venison gumbo."

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