Chapter 15

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Alastor and Angel made a makeshift sled out of some sticks and stones, which they then placed the moth adze's body on. After that they and the princess proceeded to walk across the bridge while hauling the unconscious adze along. The group then climbed over the cliff and slid down the slope from the keep. Princess Charlie was the first one to reach the bottom and she could not contain her joy. Free. She was finally free. She had been looking forward to this day for sixteen years and at long last it had come. Dreams do come true.

"You did it!" She bubbled. "You rescued me! You're amazing, you're wonderful, you're..."

She watched as Alastor and Angel collapsed from exhaustion once they landed at the bottom of the steep hill. It was obvious these two weren't used to extreme heroics but she wouldn't complain. After all they had accomplished what no other knight had.

"A little unorthodox I'll admit but thy deed is great and thine heart is your pure." She grabbed the billows of her dress and curtsied.  "I am eternally in your debt."

Alastor was not immune to this outpouring of praise. He blushed beneath his helmet, enjoying the positive attention.

"Hey what am I? Chopped liver?" Angel asked. "He didn't exactly rescue you by himself toots."

"Of course." Charlie said smiling at him. "Where would a knight be without his noble steed?"

"With all due respect my dear." Alastor said. "You do realize he's not a horse so technically he can't be a steed."

"Zip it Smiles, this is one of my best moments." Angel said.

Charlie giggled and turned to Alastor again, her eyes bright and sparkling.

"You may remove your helmet now good sir knight."

"Ahhh...No." Alastor said, certain of what her reaction would be once she laid eyes on his face.

"Why not?"

"I...I have helmet hair." He stalled.

"Please." Charlie said coyly. "I would'st look upon the face of my rescuer."

She playfully tried to peek under his visor. Alastor shooed her away.

"No, you wouldn'tst."

"But how will you kiss me?"

"What?" The blush he hid underneath his helmet increased. "That wasn't in the job description."

"Hey Al, maybe it's a perk." Angel offered with a sexy eyebrow raise. "I can tell you're not into guys but how do you feel about chicks?"

"I'm interested in neither actually." Alastor said. He calmed down his flustered demeanor and looked at Charlie. "My dear I think you have misunderstood my position in this rescue."

"No. I haven't misunderstood anything." Charlie declared as a matter of factly. "You know my story, don't you? A princess is locked in a tower, spending many long and lonely years awaiting a brave knight to rescue her. And we he finally liberates her, they share true love's first kiss."

Alastor gulped when he remembered that little detail from the book that before now, had slipped his mind. 

"With Alastor?" Hooted Angel. "Wait a second, you think Alastor is your true love?"

"Well...Yes." She said mystified. 

Alastor and Angel exchanged looks, then they erupted into a fit of laughter.

"You think Alastor is your true love? Ha, ha, ha!" Angel howled. 

"Ha! That's wacky nonsense if I ever heard it!" Alastor chuckled.

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