Chapter 33

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The next day, the group went along the route that lead to the small town. People crowded the streets, talkng or shopping, and running errands. Shops and stands were at every corner, the scent of baked bread and cakes, and fresh fruits and vegetables was fragrant of the entire town. Beautiful fabrics and baskets were hanging in market stalls. To Charlie it was an adorable establishment.

But poor Alastor was a nervous wreck. The very instant he entered that village, he closed his eyes and just waited for the screaming to start. Yet for some reason he heard no screaming. No screaming, no insults or curses, he felt no rocks getting thrown at him. In fact nothing really happened. He wondered why?

He got his answer when he finally opened his eyes. Among the crowds of humans running errands, there were creatures. Other creatures of lore. Centuars, raccon dogs, pixies, yumboes, different kinds of mythical creatures all mingling with human beings. Interacting as if they were all the same species. How was this possible?

"Surprised?" Charlie asked Alastor.

"Very." He said trying not to stare at the bizarre atmosphere.

"I thought you would be." She giggled. "You probably didn't know this but years ago the boarder between the Third and the Fourth Kingdom was like every other piece of land. Creatures and humans living separately and feeling hostile to one another. But then one day their land fell under the tyrannical rule of a powerful and wicked titan. He bullied humans and creatures alike, stealing their crops and livestock, destryoing thier homes, even devouring some of them.  After years of constant abuse, the humans and creatures discovered that though they were different in species and culture, they had a lot in common. They were all mistreated hard workers with families who were being threatened. So they decided to band together to rise up against their titan and reclaim their land. The titan's power was strong but no match for a united army of humans and creatures. They over throwed and exhiled him, and since then both creatures and humans have lived here among each other peacefully."

"I never knew that."

"Me either." Angel said.

"Same." Vaggie said.

"Most people like to cover that piece of history up." Charlie said. "Very few outside this boarder know about it."

"How do you know about it?" Alastor asked.

"My mother told me. She learned it from my uncle, her younger brother. He was a bookworm and a history lover. She said that he wanted to learn about all the nine kingdoms and that he had read every history book ever written about the kingdoms."

"Sounds like a smart man."

"He was according to my mother. I have never met him but she always said that next to my father, no one ever loved her more and that he would have adored me. I wish I xould have known him. Oh well, let's not dwell on that. Let's get those supplies and have a look around."

alastor, Vaggie, and Angel took their steps around the town slow but Charlie was hopping from one place to another. Trying to absorb it all. There was so much life and laughter everywhere she looked. It was almost like a dream come true. For her friends, it was almost like the impossible had been made possible.

"Oh a sweet shop." She cheered. "I've always wanted to see one. Can we go inside? Please?"

Alastor positively loathed all forms of sugar, espeically candy and sweets. But Charlie was so very eager to taste a few and he could see that Angel and Vaggie subtly desired the same thing. So he consented for a quick visit. 

Inside the sweet shop was a bustle of bright colors and shelves of the most unsusual looking confections any of them had ever seen. Unconventional shapes, sizes, and colors which bore the strangest names: Candy Fairy Floss, Troll Toffee, Shikigami Gummies, Unicorn Lollipops, Banshee Bons-Bons, Dragon Licorice, Rainbow Cakes, Giant Bubblegum, Yeti Ice Cream, Werewolf Treats, and countless other mistical themed sweets.

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