Chapter 21

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For the rest of the day there weren't anymore detours to the group's journey. They would run into some travelers but look at Alastor sent them off running for their lives, some so desperate to flee that they would drop their stuff which the group collected. For food they ate non-toxic nuts and berries they found and drank fresh water from the stream that was nearby. When sunset was close at hand, Charlie once again insisted that they make camp before dark. For the ladies's quarters, they tied together a few tree branches and draped a sheet over it that had been left behind by a traveling merchant that was scared off.

Charlie turned in before nightfall but this time Vaggie thought it would've wise to scout the area for danger before resting. Alastor and Angel on the other hand took this time to wash up and groom themselves in the stream.

"But seriously Smiles, are you sure you're feeling okay?" Angel asked as they approached said stream.

"I'm fine Angel." Alastor reassured. "You were the one who fainted remember?"

"I know but you can't really blame me for being worried."

As annoying as Angel's frantic over the arrow was, Alastor secretly found it very nice and refreshing to see someone sincerely concerned for his well being. No one had ever really cared about weather he was hurt or not, since his mother.

"Why do you care if I'm hurt or not?" Alastor asked. "Oh that's right, because you need me to serve as your personal bodyguard."

"No it's because your my friend." Angel said.

Alastor didn't let it show but he was touched. Touched enough to not correct Angel this time.

"Alrighty now, you take the left side of the stream and I'll take the right." Alastor said.

"Why not just bathe in the same spot? We're both guys." Angel said. "You scrub my back and I'll scrub yours."

Alastor gave him a warning stare.

"Unless you want to become a two-legged creature, I suggested you respect my bathing preferences."

Angel heeded that warning and walked down to the left side of the stream. Alastor then proceeded to undress himself and bathe in the stream. It was a quick bath, nothing too long, he found the water too cold to just sit and soak in. After an hour had passed, he dried himself off and changed back into his clothes then returned to the camp. On his way there his ears picked up a most lilting sound. A fair voice that echoed throughout the night, like the melody of a Celtic nymph.

"There is something that I see,
In the way you look at me.
There's a smile, there's a truth,
In your eyes."

He found himself being drawn by the voice and it led him over to the makeshift tent he had constructed. Only the singer's shadowy figure could be seen and though quite obscure, he could make out that as the figure was slowly combing out her long hair as she was singing.

"But an unexpected way,
On this unexpected day.
Could it mean this is where I belong?
It is you I have loved all along.

It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me.
You're the home my heart searched for so long.
And it is you I have loved all along.

There were times I ran to hide,
Afraid to show the other side.
Alone in the night without you.

But now I know just who you are,
And I know you hold my heart.
Finally this is where I belong,
And it is you I have loved all along.

It's no more a mystery, it is finally clear to me.
You're the home my heart searched for so long,
It is you I have loved all along."

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