Chapter 44

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"Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease, where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfct disappears."  Moxxie continued distracting.

Charlie could see the sun slowly dropping toward the horizon.

"I think maybe we should wrap this up now." She said nervously.

"But I haven't finished." Moxxie said. "Don't you want your marriage to be loving?"

Unfortunately, Charlie's words was all Vox needed to hear before calling in four guards to throw the two imps out of the courthouse. However, it was at that moment, Vaggie dropped from the sky with Alastor and Angel.

"How did it go?" Millie asked her husband.

"They're getting to the vows." Moxxie said. "We stalled for as long as we could."

"That's alright the calvary has arrived." Angel said.

He and Alastor climbed down from Vaggie's back, then she transformed into her regular size and appearance.

"You know I think we need to have a back up plan just in case Vox isn't exactly a romantic." She said.

"What did you have in mind?" Angel said.

"I say we find a way to turn Vox's beloved technology against him."

"My, my, what a delicious sense of irony." Blitzo chuckled mischieveously. "And I think I know how you all can do it. Pentious, do you mind if we borrow your latest project? Say the giant robotic blimp that's loaded with countless weapons?"

"How do you know about that?" Captain Pentious asked. "Not even Vox knows about that."

"I'm an all knowing imp. I know everything."

"Oh that's perfect!" Vaggie grabbed him by Pentious's shirt and started to pull him along. "Show me where this thing is, I'll drive."

"Well don't do anything crazy unless we have to." Angel said. "If we need a back up plan I'll whistle for ya babe."


With that plan made, Vaggie, Pentious, and the imps were off to Captain Pentious's labratory. Alastor then headed for the courthouse doors but Angel stopped him before he got there.

"Alastor wait a minute." He said. "You wanna do this right, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"There's a line, a line you gotta wait for." Angel explained. "The judge is going to say speak now or forever hold your piece and that's when you say 'I obeject.' "

"Oh really Angel, I don't have time for this." Alastor said, impatiently pushing past Angel.

"Hey wait! What are you doing? Listen to me!"

Angel grabbed Alastor and pushed him up against the doors.

"Look you love this woman don't you?" Angel asked him.

"Yes." Alastor said hesitantly.

"You wanna hold her?"

"Yes." Alastor said getting anxious.

"Please her?"

"Yes!" He declared.

"Then you gotta, gotta, try a little tenderness!" Angel sang. "The chicks love that romantic shit! Why? I don't know, but they do. Trust me on that."

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