Chapter 9

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"You want me to rescue a princess for you to marry?" Alastor asked, when he heard Vox's terms.

"Yes." Vox said.

"Shouldn't you be the one doing that?"

"I would but my schedule is far too booked. I'm a busy man, I have a kingdom to run and expand. Also I now have to prepare for my queen to be."

Alastor felt the urge to make a crack but he decided not to do it.

"So who is this princess to you anyway? An old sweetheart? Childhood betrothed? Spurned lover?"

"Neither. She's the princess of the Ninth Kingdom, the most powerful kingdom there is so marrying her will not only make me king, but the greatest king ever."

"Typical." Alastor thought. "A marriage of power and position. Oh well, it's no skin off my back. Though I do wonder how the bride will react when she realizes that she's going to be married to a robot."

"So where is this tower?"

A guard handed Alastor a map.

"I have a transportation device that has enough power to send you to where it'll only a day for you to reach the tower." Vox explained. "But I'm afraid you'll have to walk on the way back and it's a week's journey by foot, from the tower to here."

"What?! That's crazy!" Angel whined. "My legs can't take that!"

"Your legs will be fine Angel." Alastor said. "You have four of them."

"Captain Pentious, send my champion and his insect friend on their way."

"I'm not an insect!" Angel argued.

"And he's not my friend." Alastor added.

"Whatever. Just get going. You have a week and one day to bring me my perfect bride. Otherwise the deal is off."

With that said, Captain Pentious led Alastor and Angel into another room where there stood a large and extravagant machine. He then sat down at a keyboard and proceeded to type in the right coordinates.

"For the record this machine is actually mine." Pentious said. "I built it. It took me six months to build this but did I get to call it my own? Or at least a raise? No."

"With all due respect we don't really have time to hear about your issues." Alastor said. "We do have to be somewhere."

"Right! Sorry. Now I should warn you two that there may suffer some side effects."

"Side effects?" Angel inquired nervously.

"Nothing serious just possible burning, itching, oozing, weeping, and a slight heart attack."

"Heart attack?!"

"The shock of instant transportation really does a number on the heart rate."

"In that case maybe we should just walk to the tower." Alastor suggested.

"Not gonna work. Lord Vox has never been the patient type. He can't wait a week to be a king but not two weeks."

He typed up on more thing and aimed a type of lense at the two.

"Hang on to your hats."

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