Chapter 41

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Chapter Text
Gabriel left to take his seat at the court house, but before he did, Lord Vox requested a quick meeting with him. He claimed that he only wanted to introduce himself to his future in-laws and see to a few "minor" details.

"King Gabriel, it is honor to finally meet you." He said. "And I am most grateful that you were able to attend my wedding."

"And I am most grateful to you for liberating my niece from the tower." Gabriel said. "I am forever in your debt."

"Then I suppose that means I have your blessing?"

"If my niece has chosen you to be her husband then yes, you have my blessing. Is that why you called me here?"

"Yes and one more thing. Pentious!"

Captain Pentious produced a document and a pen.

"Since Princess Charlotte and I are to be married, it is only natural that I become her trusted protector and provider. However by royal law, that position bleongs to you. Unless of course you sign it over to me."

"With all due respect, why do you need me to sign this?"

"Call it a gesture of good faith. It shows the you truly trust me to be a devoted husband to your niece."

"In that case, you wouldn't mind if I read this little document, would you?"

"Of course not."

Captain Pentious handed Gabriel the document and he read it carefully. The only words he saw on that paper said that by signing this document, King Gabriel would be relinquishing his role as Princess Charlotte's protector and provider to her husband. Suspecting nothing, he signed his name on the dotted line.

"Thank you, your majesty." Lord Vox said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I most continue to ready myself for the wedding."

Gabriel nodded and left his chamber. As soon as he was gone, Vox began to chuckle to himself sinisterly.

"That was almost too easy."

He then proceeded to use his nails to scratch away paste that had been used cover up several other sentences on the document. Doing research, Lord Vox learned that even if he married Charlie, he wouldn't be able to rule the Ninth Kingdom because the marriage and coronation neccessary for Charlie had become long over due. She had until her twenty-first birthday then all rights to the throne would go to her uncle and his children. Unless, her uncle sighned awaythose rights.

In other words, Lord Vox had just tricked King Gabriel into sighing a deed that would declare Charlie and her husband rulers of the Ninth Kingdom as soon as they were marrried.

"You're despicable Vox." Pentious said in a tone of disapproval.

"Mind your own business Pentious."

"Fine, I just hope once you'rek ing you'll finally give me my long overdue reward."

"What are you talking about?"

"I have always been your most loyal ally and it was my genius in technology and mechanics that made your reign and this kingdom possible. Yet you've always taken the credit for it, without even giving me a thank you. I think I deserve a little something for aid and loyalty."

"Yes, you deserve to live."

"I believe that I deserve more than that. Don't forget, I made you and I can break you."

"Yeah right." He chuckled. "Now enough of this ridiculous talk. Prepare the courthouse."

"Hey I'm not just going to eat on this. That's what I've been doing for the last ten years. You owe me!"

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