Chapter 42

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"Here Comes The Bride." Echoed throughout the entire courthouse when the ceremony began. The song was played by a stereo, the hall was lined by plastic orchids, and the building was decorated in something that resembled a casino in Vegas. At the stand which as at the front of the hall, there stood the judge and Vox wearing a ridiculous plastic and leather suit with a cape, and right next to him was a crown on display.

But Princess Charlie did not hear the wedding march or the small oo's and awes that came from all who admired her beauty. Nor did she see the crowd of excited guests gathered for the wedding or the eager look on Vox's face.

She could only see the sun from the windows and she could only hear the intense beating of her anxious heart. When she moved her hand to steady the beating, she felt something on her chest. It was the necklace that Alastor had made for her. She was still wearing it.

"I should take this off." She thought. "I shouldn't be wearing a necklace given to me by another man, on my wedding day."

But she couldn't bring herself to do it. She didn't know why but, wearing it gave her just a small ray of hope that maybe, just maybe her crimson knight would come barging through those doors and declare that he had loved her all along.

"Stop being stupid Charlie." She thought again. "He doesn't love you, he never did. He's probably not even thinking about you anymore. Lord Vox is the one you belong with so stop hoping for something so foolish."

Yet she still did not remove her necklace.

Meanwhile, the imps were standing just outside the gates of the Fourth Kingdom, trying to figure out how exactly they would be able to get in and stall the wedding.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this." Blitzo said. "There must be countless guards, traps, and lasers inside those gates."

"You propose a good point Blitzo but you know as well as I do, that ruining this wedding is our only chance." Moxxie said. "We've got go in there and put a stop to it. It's going to take courage, bravery, valiant-"

"Excuse me."


At the sound of Captain Pentious's voice, Moxxie immediately screamed and jumped into Blitzo's arms in fear.

"I was going to ask you how you creatures wanted to be executed for trespassing." He said leaning close to Blitzo and Moxxie in a menacing manner. "But if you're only trying to sabotage Lord Vox's wedding day."

Pentious then typed a few numbers on a hand held device which disabled all the kingdom's security and defense systems.

"Count me in." He smiled.

Moxxie smiled in return and offered a hand in friendship which the captain shook.

"Welcome aboard."


But Charlie had been wrong, Alastor had not been able to stop thinking about her. He tried just about everything to erase her from his thoughts. He cleaned, he read, he polished his hunting rifle, but it all proved futile. No matter what he did, he just couldn't get Charlie out of his head.

Then he heard a knock at the door.

"What now?" He thought agitated.

He put down his hunting rifle and opened the door. There stood Angel.

"What are you doing here?" He inquired.

"We need to talk." Angel said.

"There's nothing to talk about." Alastor replied. "I told you I never wanted to see or speak to you again. I want you out of my life."

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