Chapter 7

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Lord Vox was regent of the Fourth kingdom which was arguably the smallest and weakest kingdom there was. So weak in fact that Vox was able to over throw the monarchy in just one week. His ambitions began years ago, when he was in a cart accident that was so severe that it caused him to lose all use of the left half of his body. That half which was then replaced by robotic technology and when Vox saw how advanced and powerful the parts of his body were, he became convinced that modern technology was the key to reaching some sort of Nirvana. Teaming up with machine gifted Pentious, he created advanced weapons that allowed him to seize control of the Fourth kingdom and after that he remodeled the entire country into a state of modern tech.

But he didn't stop there. No, Vox didn't just upgrade the Fourth kingdom, he decided to completely rid it of anything relating to the past. He believed that the past and anything relating to it was what held the world back from achieving true Utopia which resulted in him banning all forms of history, traditions, religions, culture, the Amish, and of course mythical creatures. As you know myth and lore were a huge element of history and the past so naturally Vox didn't want these stories or the creatures associated with the stories "Keeping his world from the future." That was why he passed that eviction.

Just who was this strange individual? A misunderstood genius ahead of his time? Or an irrational madman that needed to be knocked off his high horse? The interpretations of this very complex fellow was- Oh who am I trying to fool? The man was completely out of his mind. Somebody needed to put a straight jacket on him and lock him in a rubber room.

Anyway his goal was to rub out every single spec of the past from the world. He had already done it to the Fourth kingdom now he just needed to somehow do it to all the other kingdoms. But how?

"No! Stop! Have you no mercy!"

And if banishing the poor creatures wasn't enough, Vox had to keep some of them locked up in his domain so he could torture them just for the pleasure of it. Like today he was subjecting an imp called Moxxie to electric shocks and each time the imp cried in agony, the square jawed cyborg only laughed sadistically.

"You're a monster!" Moxxie managed to choke out.

"I'm not the monster here, you are." He responded. "You and the rest of that mythical trash poisoning my perfect world."

"What have you done with Millie?!"

"Relax, your insipid wife is among the creatures I banished to the dark forest. I didn't find tormenting her as much fun. She's too strong willed."

"You touched my wife?!"

"I just put her on the rack for a few hours."

"I'll kill you!"

He wanted to attack the man but the restraints held him back.

"Enough of your futile struggling." Vox said. "Now although I kept you here mostly to amuse myself, I also have another purpose for you. I've eliminated all forms of mythical creatures from the Fourth kingdom but I want to remove them from every kingdom and to do that I need to know where they reside. Now tell me, where are the others?"

"I'll die first!" Moxxie retorted.

"That can be arranged." Vox grabbed one of Moxxie's horns. "Tell or I'll-"

"No! Not the horns! Not my horns!" Moxxie pleaded.

"Alright then! Where are they? Who's hiding them?"

"Even if I told you where they were you'd never be able to get rid of them. Your power extends only to the Fourth kingdom. You have no control over all the other nine kingdoms. You're not even a real king!"

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