Chapter 6

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Inside the house, Alastor began preparing to dine alone the way he always dined. The way he liked to dine. A candlelit meal of frog eyes, squirrel liver, and rabbit heart. A meal that may have sounded nasty or just wrong to some because he was eating the unconventional organs of cute animals but to Alastor it was a delectable assortment of the most tender and flavored meats. He had just consumed the first eye ball when he heard a noise. It sounded like his door opening.

"I thought I told you to stay outside." He called to Angel.

"I am outside!" Angel replied from outside. 

Now Alastor heard some sort of skittering noise. Okay so Angel hadn't opened the door but somebody had. He saw shadow flint by and spun around to see what had intruded in his household. It was three cherubs.

"Well gents." Said the only female of the group. "It's a far cry from the farm but what choice do we have?"

"It's not home Keenie." Said the thinist member. "But it'll do just fine."

"But the food here is simply ghastly Collin." Said the chubbiest one. "Meat everywhere. Bleach! Awful stuff!"

"Worry not Cletus." Assured the female. "We'll just grow our own garden. I have leftover cuttings from the farm."

"Excuse me." Alastor grabbed all three of them by their tails. "But just what do you think you're doing in my house?"

But before he could throw them out, he was hit by something from behind. It was a clear coffin which contained a comatose young girl and the ones who had placed her upon display were seven trolls.

"Oh no, no, no, dead broad off the table!" Alastor yelled.

"Where are we supposed to put her?" Demanded one of the trolls. "The bed's taken."


Confused, Alastor rushed across the kitchen and into his bedroom discovering a werecat resting comfortably in his bed. 

"What?" The werecat said irritably. 

"Why do you get the bed Husk?" Complained the cherub called Cletus. 

"Cause I called dibs." The feline answered. "Now why don't you whiny little lambs make yourselves useful by getting me a stiff drink?"

"That's not fair!" Argued the cherub named Keenie. "We need the bed way more than you do. Our wool is sensitive and it needs a firm mattress to keep it from falling out."

"Also we don't have fleas." Added the last one named Collin.

"Fleas?!" Now that was it for Alastor. He grabbed Husk by the scruff of his neck and dragged him out from under the covers. "Pardon my rudeness but you all are not welcome here. This is my home and I much prefer to live a private life so I insist that you trespassers be on your way!"

He carted Husk to the front door and threw him out. But outside a surprise was waiting for him. A very big surprise. 

Filling Alastor's forest, as far as the eye could see, was a teeming sea of un-happing mythical creatures. Imps, trolls, werewolves, werecats, centaurs, fawns, kappas, sprites, cherubs, satyrs, tengus, yumboes, griffins, tanuki, every creature of lore imaginable were setting up refugee tents everywhere. Alastor's jaw hung open as he took in the crowd of uninvited guests.

"Oh no! No! No!" He said shaking his head rapidly. "What the devil is going on here?!"

At once all eyes were pointed at Alastor. 

"Who are you people?! And what are you doing on my property?!" He shouted. "How dare you trespass here! Get out of here! All of you! Move it!"

He tried to shoo them off his land but the effort was futile. There were too many of them and they were all running around in terror. It was like trying to heard cats.

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