Chapter 2

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taehyun pov

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The day had finally come. I woke up at 8 am, which is when the leaders woke everyone up. I went to school, my last day before I became a citizen and not a child. Most of my classmates had taken the test already and moved to different provinces to work. It was finally my turn.

"Well that wraps up today's classes. I'll see some of you tomorrow." my teacher said. I was a little sad about leaving school and my teacher. Everyone is assigned one class and teacher for their school life and our class has been getting smaller and smaller. My teacher, Mr. Kim was great. His power was being able to silence people with just a look. It worked out well for him as a teacher.

"Goodbye Mr. Kim. You were a great teacher." I smiled before Mr. Kim wrapped me in a hug. I let out a little gasp, surprised by the sudden action. People didn't really hug here.

"Taehyun listen to me," Mr. Kim suddenly started whispering in my ear, "Be careful. Everything in the test is fake okay. Just get out and don't worry about anything else. You're smart, please just get out." he pulled away and patted me on the shoulder, walking out of the room. Well that was cryptic, I thought.

I walked out of the building saying goodbye to it. Goodbye to my childhood. I got onto an air train and headed for the Society Capitol. I sat down next to a boy my age who was looking out the window as the train sped by the city. Maybe he was heading for testing too. In each province there were 4 schools and 4 testing places. I wondered if the boy was going to the same test as me. Maybe we would end up together.

I followed the boy and two other kids, a girl with short brown hair and a boy I recognized from one of the other classes at my school. We entered the Capitol building and walked over to the front desk.

I looked around in awe. We had gone here for a few school field trips but it still amazed me every time. Marble walls and floors, grand ceilings, and a huge stairway.

"We're here for testing," The boy from my school said.

The leader at the front desk looked up and flashed us a tight smile. "Ah of course, follow those leaders over there." She said looking us each directly in the eye. We had no choice but to obey. That must be her power, mind control.

We walked over to two leaders in black suits standing near a door on the opposite wall of the front desk.

"Follow us please." They said, and our feet started moving before we could think. I glanced at the other three who seemed to have similar feelings. The girl looked like she might throw up and the two boys looked nervous as well.

The two leaders opened the door and led us down a hallway that branched into different rooms. I watched as the other three were escorted into rooms before they pulled me into a room. It had no windows and only one small light hanging from the ceiling.

I held my breath as one of the leaders walked up behind me and stuck a needle into my neck. It wasn't long until everything went black.

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