Chapter 4

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taehyun pov

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I walked around the testing room searching for any signs of a door. The others had started their own search, being spread out around the box. I felt along the smooth wall until I felt a small groove in the wall. As I looked closer there was a faint light coming through the small crack. I was about to examine it further when Woojung called us all over. I took off my shoe and placed it on the floor where I found the groove so that I wouldn't lose it.

"What's up Woojung?" Yeonjun asked.

"Does anyone else find the testing weird?"

"What do you mean?" Kai asked.

"Well, how are these tests supposed to determine who becomes a leader or not? I mean, all we have to do is get out, we can just follow each other."

"There are tests along the way to get out. If you pass each test you can get out. It's not just finding a door." I said.

"Oh, but why can't everyone just use their powers. There would be no need for all of this testing." That was a confusing topic. The leaders said the reason the outsiders were so dangerous was because they all used their powers.

"People should be able to use their powers. It's not fair, the leaders use them so that they can control us. What if I don't want to be controlled?" Woojung said.

Now that I thought about it, I didn't want to be controlled either, but the leaders kept us safe so I just did what they said.

"I kind of agree with you." Jae said.

"Whatever, you can complain about the society later. I just want to pass the test." Soobin said, as he walked away to start searching again. Reluctantly I turned around to go back to my shoe but someone was already there, Beomgyu.

"Do you know how to open it?" I asked. He was examining the groove. There was a thin line that went all the way to the floor.

"Yes. But it's difficult." He said softly.

"How do you know?" I asked, but he ignored me. I scoffed.

He pressed on the wall in the middle of the line which opened it further, revealing a keyhole.

"Great, now I have to find a key."

"Wow, you guys already found the first door!" Yeonjun said. Everyone started walking over.

"Yeah, but there's no key." I said disappointedly. I looked around but there was no sign of a key anywhere. Suddenly all of the light shut off, leaving us in complete darkness.

"Well, I guess we'll continue tomorrow." Kai said. I felt someone stumble over me.

"Sorry." I heard Beomgyu mumble.

We all laid down anxious to continue. Where could a key possibly be in here? I reached into my pocket and grabbed the bag of pills that everyone had been provided with. They gave us nutrients and water in a pill. I gulped one down and closed my eyes. I heard soft snores around me as I thought about what Woojung had said. For as long as I had known the society had been in control, but there was never any threat to their power. The outsiders had never done anything and the people never revolted or anything. It was so perfect it was almost suspicious. I wonder if anyone else noticed this. What would happen if someone left the provinces? What dangers were really outside of the society?

The Outsiders || TXT/TAEGYUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن