Chapter 10

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beomgyu pov

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We stood up, our clothes mostly dry.

"We should search together or at least in pairs." Kai suggested.

"Okay, we can go together and you two can go together." Soobin said to me and Taehyun.

"Let's meet back here at sunset."

We agreed and started looking around the terrain. Taehyun and I walked to the left, deciding to start that way. I still didn't know what I was looking for or how to find it. I hadn't seen any visions so I was really lost this time. I also wondered what kind of test this one was. Dehydration? Snakes? I walked further with Taehyun looking out over the vast desert. There was absolutely nothing. I honestly wasn't used to seeing places like this. In the provinces it's all cities and houses. Everyone works and does everything perfectly. Was this what the outside was like?

"Any visions yet?" Taehyun asked, breaking the silence.


"I wonder how we're gonna find a door out here. There's literally nothing."

"I know, I've been wondering the same thing." I looked back to look at Taehyun but he was gone. I looked around me, first to my left and then my right. He wasn't there. What the hell, I thought, he was just here.

"Taehyun?!" I looked around, but he was nowhere in sight. No one was, none of the others either. Where could he have gone so quickly? I felt myself starting to panic, I hated being all alone. As I looked around the world felt like it was spinning.

"Taehyun!" I yelled. "Hello!?"

I stumbled around suddenly losing my bearings. I couldn't tell which way I had been going or where I came from, and I was alone.

The heat felt a million times hotter and my fingers were tingling. Calm down Beomgyu, calm down! I yelled at myself. I walked around, feeling like I was going in circles for hours.

It hit me, this must be the test. I stopped moving and looked around me again. It was starting to get dark as the sun went down and I saw a faint trail of smoke in the distance. I followed the smoke hoping to see someone, anyone.

"Taehyun!" I yelled as I got closer.

"Beomgyu?!" I heard someone say. Thank god.

I started running, desperate to see someone again. And there they were, Yeonjun, Soobin, Kai and Taehyun standing around a fire.

"Oh my god, Beomgyu!" Kai said, wrapping me in a hug. I gladly returned it, I was so close to falling apart.

"Beomgyu where were you? One minute you were next to me and the next you were gone!" Taehyun said.

"I don't know, I looked back and you just disappeared. I think this was my test."

"We're glad you're back, we didn't want to leave without you." Yeonjun said.

"Did you find the door?"

"Yeah, but now that it's this late we should just spend the night here and leave tomorrow."

"Yeah that's a good idea." Taehyun said. We sat down on the hard ground around the fire. It was small, made with a few random sticks that somehow ended up here, but it was enough.

I sat down next to Taehyun who was watching the fire. The others had started to fall asleep already, but I was still a little on edge from earlier.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a little shaken up."

"Is that your fear? Being alone?" He asked, looking at me. I just watched the fire.

"Yeah, it's kinda stupid."

"No, everyone's fears are different."

"What's your fear?" I asked.

He paused, thinking hard, "I don't know actually. There aren't many scary things for us that the leaders haven't taken care of. I never really thought about it."

"Yeah, the society's pretty good at making things seem perfectly fine." I said sarcastically.

"Do you find it suspicious?" he asked.

"I'm just confused. I grew up thinking it was perfectly normal and fine, but now that I've seen the things here I'm confused. I didn't think the tests could actually kill people. Also there are so many things they hide from us. What exactly are the outsiders like? Why is it so important to be protected?" I said, "Sorry, I'm rambling a bit."

"It's okay. I was having the same thoughts." We sat in silence for a few minutes before Taehyun asked, "What's your family like?"


"Just wondering. I want to know more about you." He said softly.

"Well, I have a brother and a dad. My mom went missing a few years ago."

"I'm sorry,"

"It's okay, that's actually how I unlocked my powers. I'm not sure exactly how, but the fear of losing her triggered something and I just started having the visions."

"Strange. Do you think I could unlock my powers?"

"I don't know how it works." I shrugged. "What's your family like?" I asked, returning his question.

"It's just me and my mom actually. My dad became an leader soldier after I was born."

"Wow, your parents were young." I commented. It was unusual for someone to have a kid so early here. The leaders usually controlled when couples had children.

"My mom raised me well though," I saw him smile a little. We sat talking by the firelight until neither one of us could keep our eyes open. The five of us slept together under the stars, as we waited for what tests would come next.

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