Chapter 28

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beomgyu pov

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

''Mom?'' I froze. That face... it was her. My mom.

''Beomgyu...'' She was there, right in front of me. The mother I thought was gone forever, here she was. I was overwhelmed with emotion, and yet I couldn't move.

She took a step closer and looked at me like she couldn't believe I was there either.

A few seconds later she pulled me into her arms. She held me close and I felt her shake. I put my arms around her hesitantly, but once I did it seemed I couldn't let go. If I did, it felt like she would be gone again.

''I missed you...'' I cried.

''Me too... I'm so sorry gyu...'' She pulled away and looked at me. ''I never wanted to leave you,''

''It was the leaders,'' I said. She nodded.

''I'll explain everything later, but first, I need you to follow me.'' She gestured to me and the others to follow. They looked at me with confused faces and seemed dazed. Taehyun looked like he wanted to talk to me, I'll explain everything in a bit, I said.

Mom led us through the forest until we got to a wall of vines. She pulled back the vines and walked through. We looked at each other before going through too.

Through the vines was almost like a province, but not. There were houses made of wood, with gardens and plants. Children were playing outside while others were working. A few men sat in the shade of shelter working on making things out of a substance I had never seen. It looked like they were making bowls. A few men and women were digging in the ground and had baskets full of fruits and vegetables. More people were working on another house, a couple others painting on canvases. Some people were hauling boulders or moving things with their mind. I realized as I looked more that the peoople gardening were also growing new plants once they picked old ones.

These must be the outsiders.

The others looked around in fascination, we had never seen people just living like this. Taehyun watched the painters closely, with a small smile on the edge of his lips. Kai stood there with wide eyes and Yeonjun and Soobin looked around similarly. It really was like a whole new world out here.

''Min, who are those people?'' A woman holding a child walked over.

''Crystal, this is my son and his friends,'' Mom smiled.

''This-this is Beomgyu?'' the woman, Crystal, walked over to me and smiled brightly. ''Welcome to the outside,'' 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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