Chapter 25

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Taehyun pov


The air train slowed to a stop. The four of us linked arms like we used to during the testing, and stepped out. The train station was starting to get busy as more and more people were going to work. This province contained mainly lower factory workers and soldiers. It was honestly terrifying, we could get caught at any moment. We stepped off the landing and headed through the province. The society was supposed to be perfect in the way that all citizens were equal, but after seeing this province it was clear that they weren't. It was run down and gray, there weren't any green spaces, just concrete and factories. We all looked around, thinking the same thing.

I felt Kai shiver next to me. ''It's kinda creepy here.''

The others nodded in agreement. We looked up past the factories and smoke clouds, in the distance was the wall.

''There's the wall, let's go quickly.'' I said. I pulled them along with me. I was desperate to find Beomgyu or at least find something that could have anything to do with what happened to him. The walk there wasn't easy to say the least. Workers scrambled around us, soldiers were also walking around doing who knows what. We hoped we didn't look too suspicious.

I looked over to Yeonjun and Soobin who were holding hands and giving each other reassuring looks. Dammit, I really hope Beomgyu is okay. I thought. There was a pit in my stomach,I felt sick thinking about Beomgyu. I had to find him.

The four of us walked closer and closer to the wall, distracting ourselves with conversations and games when in reality all of us were absolutely terrified. Soon enough the wall was right there, except it wasn't like how I expected, although I don't know what I was expecting. We hid behind a building and watched what was happening.

Stay behind me, I said to the others. At the base of the wall were almost like camps. Groups of soldiers were posted at the edge of the wall or were gathering things and doing who knows what. There were almost like window things, where soldiers stood and watched with guns. I shuddered. How the hell are we supposed to get through there? Suddenly I heard Kai gasp next to me. I turned around and there stood a soldier. He put a hand over my mouth and dragged me to a spot farther away. The others stood huddled over there and I was thrown over next to them. Shit, we're done for, I thought.

''No you're not. I'm gonna help you guys,'' The soldier read my thoughts.

''What? You wanna help? How can we trust you?'' I spat.

''I know a way through. And I can hear your thoughts so yes, I wanna help. I hate the society as much as you guys do.''

It seemed everywhere we went was another person who also hated the society.

''How do we get through?'' Soobin asked. ''Also, who are you?''

I looked the man up and down. He seemed like he was in his early thirties with big eyes and a strong yet lean frame.

''I'm Kang Taemin -soldier number 324.'' He said. ''If you want to get through, follow me.'' He led us through the province, behind old buildings and clouds of dark smoke to another section of the wall.

''Here. do you see that circular hatch right there?'' He pointed to what looked like a door at the base of the wall. We nodded. ''Go through that hatch and take two rights and a left, it's a tunnel system that leads to the outside. Good luck boys, get us freedom.'' He patted me on the back and gave us a hopeful smile, before going to stand watch a few feet away.

We walked over to the wall and Yeonjun and Soobin started opening the hatch. It was heavy and a little difficult to open, but after a few seconds the hatch door swung open, revealing a dark tunnel.

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