Chapter 15: Fools' Hope

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April 26.

After explaining her plan to free Lothal, which now included sending a Federal squadron to secure Dornea's orbit to cover the rear of the fleet, Jaral went back on the Constantinople and assisted at the beautiful sight of the hundreds of ships that crossed the wormhole. It was an incredibly quick process. Apparently, the wormhole had been stabilized by the Reapers/Guardians, and while Jaral didn't have the chance to see them, the sentient ships had basically transformed the wormhole into one of their mass relays, meaning that the ships would be dispersed only in a shorter radius when they reached the other side.

Still, the process took 10 hours, which was still less than anticipated. Even the Protector had little trouble at making the cross.

Now, though, all ships were ready and waiting.

Jaral listened into the Force and knew that the moment she had waited was coming.

She headed back into the cockpit.

"Lieutenant, any sign?" she asked, with her hands behind her back and an absolute control.

"Nothing unusual..." Rut replied, but then the sensors started bleeping. "Wait, multiple object coming out of hyperspace."

"Perfect." she said with a lopsided grin.

A few moments later, around the communication buoy that Jaral had ordered to be left, came out creatures of colors varying between purple and deep blue, with tentacles to their rear and glowing azure eyes.

The Purrgil had heard the calling.

"What are those?" Raniza, who was on the bridge as well, asked.

"You will see. Give me the Admiral."

A few moments later, the Admiral appeared on a video feed on the left of Rut.

"Marshall, any idea what those creatures are?" he asked.

"Relax, sir. Those are Purrgils. My crew and I have saved this flock a couple of years ago, and now they are going to return the favor."

The Admiral's outer mandibles opened, in a sign of confusion. "Would you be willing to elaborate?"

"The Purrgils have a deep connection to the Force, so me and my brother can communicate with them. Most importantly, however, they are natural hyperspace navigators, and they are going to show us a secret hyperspace route for Lothal."

"A secret route?" Raniza asked.

"Is that really possible?"

"The route exists. Right at this moment, there is a path, I saw it in the Force. We might not have the tools to find it and exploit before it closes again, but the Purrgils can. With that, we will be able to get Thrawn's fleet on the flank as well and engage with less risk of hitting the surface of Lothal accidentally."

Edrix hummed. "Well, you certainly know this galaxy better than us, Grand Marshall. But how will you be able to follow the Purrgils in hyperspace? Your navicomputer won't allow you to jump into an unknown trajectory."

"Simple. One of the Purrgils will drag us."

Rut, Raniza and Edrix all looked in astonishment.

"Hang on a minute." the pilot protested. "Who guarantees that they won't crush us, even if accidentally?"

"They won't Lieutenant. But I need you all to trust me." Jaral replied calmly.

The aliens looked at each other, but in the end, she was in charge, and even if psionics were a thing in the Milky Way, few could really understand the extent of their abilities, though they still respected them.

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