Chapter 31: The lurking shadow

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August 13

After overseeing the creation of a unified Carunoan State and negotiating its integration into the Empire as an autonomous region which still swore loyalty to the Emperor, Iulius finally received the replacements. A new fleet to protect the planet if the Grysks or any other threat dared to show up again, some battalions of troopers to create strongholds in the most strategic areas of the planet and scientists to start the Dark Trooper Project, at last.

After a long journey back to the galaxy, the 101st finally reached the orbit of Coruscant, where it was allowed to dock at one of the major space stations of the Navy to resupply and give the men some deserved free time.

Meanwhile, Iulius had been summoned by the Emperor himself. He brought Qathora to accompany him as he also planned to stay on the planet for a while, hoping that the Emperor would allow his request.

When he arrived there, he was surprised to find the Royal Guards waiting for him on two lines, greeting him with full military honors, while Mas Amedda was the one to go in front of him.

"Greetings, Admiral Tanis, and congratulations on your recent victory." the alien said in a formal tone.

"Thanks, Viceroy, but perhaps my victory is being a bit overblown, here." Iulius replied calmly.

"The Emperor thinks otherwise, Admiral. But he will tell it in person." the Viceroy said while extending an arm toward the entrance to the Palace.

Iulius simply nodded and started walking on the carpeted path, followed by his faithful servant and the Viceroy shadowing him at a short distance.

They reached the base of the turbolift, at which point the two aliens stopped and let Iulius proceed on his own.

Just like last time he had been there, he passed the first corridor with the two guards, who let him enter the proper throne room, he stepped on all the ladders and finally reached the throne, where the Emperor was sitting patiently, with two of his guards standing on his sides. The red sun of Coruscant shined from the circular window behind the throne, painting the sky red and leaving the room a bit shadowy.

Iulius reached the protocol distance of just three meters and knelt.

"Welcome, Admiral." Palpatine said with his coarse voice, trying to sound benevolent. "You may rise."

Iulius obeyed and stood up, standing in the military rest pose.

Iulius obeyed and stood up, standing in the military rest pose

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"Your Majesty." he greeted.

"First, let me congratulate again on your victory over the Yavzakhs, young Tanis."

"I thank you, Your Majesty, but it was only a species with inferior technology and bad coordination. Honestly, I don't think it's much of an achievement."

"And yet, you defeated them in but a few weeks, gained a new, loyal stellar system for the Empire, along with the resources to start your project. Considering the military history of the Empire, this is no small achievement, Admiral, you can be proud of what you did."

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