thirty six

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"Hm," Seraphina crossed her arms, staring at Jungkook's hair, his hair stylist beside her, doing the same thing. "What shall we do?"

"I just want something different." Jungkook slouched in his seat, feeling a bit awkward with Seraphina staring at him. "Everyone calls me a coconut."

The stylist giggled softly, Seraphina smiling. "Correct. I call you a coconut."

"Rude." Jungkook breathed with his bottom lip stuck out, the stream of air going up.

Seraphina's eyes lit up. "I've got it." Seraphina stepped forward, brushing her fingers through his hair, parting it just off to the side. "Just put a part in your hair." Seraphina let go of the hair, his hair falling forward. "You're going to need a haircut, but it'll look really good. You'll be showing off your forehead. It'll look different, but good."

"I completely agree." The stylist nodded, clipping his hair back. "Look how good it looks."

Jungkook turned towards the mirror, observing his parted hair, nodding. "But I want my hair longer."

"How long is long?" The stylist asked, Seraphina observing him through the mirror.

"Past my face." Jungkook held his hand up, Seraphina nodded, the stylist's eyes widening. "I'll be in charge of the upcoming photoshoot, so I can have my hair how I want." Jungkook made eye contact with Seraphina. "Well, you're in charge, but..."

"I'm giving you the power to control your hair." Seraphina patted his head, Jungkook smiling widely. "You want it done now?"



Seraphina looked up from her laptop, Jungkook taking a selfie so he can show ARMY his new haircut and style. "You look really happy."

"I feel like a new person!" Jungkook giggled happily. "I look so much older too!"

Seraphina crossed her arms, smiling at him as Jungkook played with his hair. "I'm really proud of you Jungkook."

"Mission one completed!" Jungkook tapped his feet against the ground excitedly. "I'm getting there!"

"You are!" Seraphina applauded, Jungkook blushing now. "What's your next step?"

"Jewelry and confidence." Jungkook replied sheepishly. "I lack a lot in self confidence."

"And that takes time." Seraphina nodded, grabbing a tissue from her desk, folding it once. "Self confidence is something that is taught. You just need to, believe it." Seraphina shrugged, blowing her nose. "But you can do it." She sniffed and threw the tissue in her trashcan, it half way full with tissues. "Just remember, there's no schedule and no time limit to it. You take all the time you need."

"I will." Jungkook smiled, Seraphina smiling tiredly as well. "You should go home Noona."

"I know." Seraphina nodded, closing her eyes as she massaged her head. "I just feel guilty leaving you here." Seraphina looked at her watch. "I can last five more hours."

"Can you though?" Jungkook gave her a look, Seraphina sighing.

"Yes I can." Seraphina straightened her back, someone knocking on the door. "Come in." Seraphina pulled her mask back up, trying to not get other people sick.

"Hey Sera." Hoseok smiled, walking in with a teddy bear and a cup of something. "I heard you were sick."

"I am." Seraphina chuckled, Jungkook looking Hoseok up and down, eyeing the things in his hands.

"Why is there a mattress in here?" Hoseok laughed, walking around the huge thing. "Sleepover?"

"Kind of." Seraphina admitted, crossing her legs as Hoseok finally stood on the other side of her desk. "Jungkook brought it in here for me to take a nap. It was really nice of him." Seraphina smiled proudly at him, Jungkook making eye contact with her.

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