Chapter 20

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—POV Change: This will be in Andrei's point of view. Expect this to be long too. Be aware of foul words.—


"You, fucker! I told you not to interfere with me!" I screamed while beating Lourd in his core using his own metal knuckles. This guy's getting in my nerves! He ordered his guys to beat a man who accidentally poured a drink on me.

I didn't even care about that guy! Lourd was just having fun angering me. He beaten the guy and have all the blame to me like what he's been doing since we entered St. Augustin when we're still Grade 7.

When I am already being punished by the teachers, he will move again. Acting like a concerned cousin when he is the real culprit for the crime he blamed to me.

He is jerk and an asshole! Shit of him!

"Y-You know how I love it when you trying to punch my core, crushing the organs inside. O-Oh, god! T-This is heaven!"he responded with a stutter as my punches could almost made him unable to speak right.

I let go of him and stop punching him. That won't work for him. He's a die hard masochist. He loves pain and tortures for himself. That's how crazy he is!

"This will be the last, Lourd. Or I'll tell abuelo about your secret transactions for guns. You know that they still don't want us to have those until we get 20,"I told him with anger and annoyed tone. I know that abuelo likes him more than me. But breaking some family rules would reciprocate that love to hate.

I know he won't let that happen.

"Oh, cousin. You got the family rules misunderstood." I am facing my back to him but I faced him again when he talk.

"The rules said that we weren't allowed to covered our hands with blood using guns. But that didn't said that I couldn't use my people to kill some pests, right? I owned a gun but I still haven't tried using those. So still, I never broke any rules, Andrei."

He is already standing well like my punches earlier were just a tickle in his body. If he wasn't that lunatic, he maybe lying down in the hospital bed—if I am not kind enough. Even his words don't hint that he received much damage. Remember, I used a metal knuckles to knock him out but he is still functioning well. Could even make an annoying wide smile in his lips.

He's a devil indeed.

I remove the metal knuckles from my fist and threw it to his face like a baseball pitcher. Will that force enough to make him unconcious?

My guess was right. That didn't even made him flinch. He's a monster. Fuck!

I immidiately leave the place, not minding him calling my name. I won't ever face that guy again! He is himself a trouble and I hate him.

I am walking near the school when I saw a 7/11. I thought of stealing some beer. I have the money to buy any beer and how many I want. I just want some thrill. I just want someone to give me the excitement of being caught and I'll beat him once he could catch me. That's if there's someone other than me who would notice me shoplifting.

I am crossing the roads when someone was inches beside me. I didn't notice him. I was just surprised seeing him. Thankfully, he didn't see me looking at him. Thanks to my hoodie.

I found out that he'll be also entering the same convinience store. I couldn't help myself but to smile. What a coincidence! I'll finally have my fun that Lourd almost ruined.

I walked fast and bumped in his shoulder just to get inside first. I took a walk left since the beverages were there.

There's big circle mirror which I am looking at. I don't know, I'm just praying that he'll get some beverage too or pass in this section. Fates in my hand! He really did went here.

MAKE HIM SOFTحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن