Chapter Seventeen

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"What's going on? How did you get in here?" I ask him as his rapid breathing starts to calm down. He brings his arm up and swipes through his sweaty forehead to stop it from dripping down toward the rest of his face. "I have extra keys, I've always had a copy, ever since Carter and I became friends. Did she never tell you love?" He tilts his head to the side as he questions me.

"No, never, but it makes sense now." As awkwardness is welcomed the sound of the water still runing brings me back to my logical reasoning, I begin to hand wash the dishes once again as he stands behind me. I could still feel his stare even though I can't actually see if he is indeed staring at me.

"Is Carter still mad at you?"

"She'll come around." He coughs before speaking again. "Who's Matthew?"

I keep my back towards him, I knew Carter would somehow mention something about Matthew to her close friends, Liam especially. I couldn't answer that question because even I didn't truly know who Matthew was. I decide to act as if I didn't hear his question. I don't have to answer him if I don't want to, I mentally tell myself. In all honesty I don't have to explain myself to him or anyone else. The only person I should explain myself clearly to is me. I have to start putting myself first, and think a bit selfishly or I won't be getting anywhere. Zayn's scolding plays on the back of my head as I try to change the subject.

"Do you exercise regularly?" It's really the dumbest question I can ask someone when trying to change the subject.

I finish the last dish and place it on the side of the sink as I turn and give him my divided attention. He has his arms folded as he leans against the small refrigerator. He brings his head down as he smiles lightly at his black Nike's. His eyes shut slightly as his wrinkles begin to form on the side of his eyes and he slowly shakes his head.

When I come to think about it, I've never viewed this side of him. There is something more to this Liam that I have come to known but he doesn't seem to open as much as his other friends.

"Not a lot, only when I have stuff in mind." His face is once again serious his posture is still relaxed but his eyes start to wonder around the room as if looking for some sort of mistake until they land back at me. "I was suppose to go eat out with m'mum, she seems to have had better plans, so I just came by to ask if you have had anything to eat yet?"

Going out to eat with him at the moment doesn't seem appropriate considering the situation with his Spencer, the tension between him and Carter and his impulsive decision to leave me in random places. On the other hand I would like to get out and have fun for a while even if it is with Liam.

"I won't leave you, again" he abruptly interrupts my thoughts and leans forward so that his face is now right in front of mine. The small playful smirk that forms on his lips is enough for me to say yes. I shake my head for confirmation as he smiles wickedly and places a small kiss to my cheek.

The action is enough for me to step back and question what he just did. "What?" He retorts. "It's just a playful gesture, nothing serious. People do it to greet others ya know."

The small restaurant was further away from Carter's apartment, more than I had expected. The traffic was horrible and as much as I was trying to enjoy the view, Liam's effort to stay as calm as possible seemed to lighten the mood.

I began to come up with stories just to help him keep his mind off the traffic. The constant question of "Did that really happen to you?" Was asked multiple of times to the point that I just decide to tell him the reason as to why I kept telling him these mad tales.

We were seated in the far back of the small restaurant, the squared dark wooden table contained plates and small menu's. Most of the people around us seemed like tourist, trying to figure out what they should order. Liam began to remove his black leather jacket as he became more comfortable, reavealing his white causal T-shirt which suited him well with the nice black pair of jeans he wore.

The food wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be, but it wasn't terrible. Liam had been quiet the whole time. I can tell something is lurking around his mysterious mind, I'm just not sure if asking him would trigger something I wouldn't wan't to trigger.

"What's going on?" My question seemed to captivate his attention as he looks up from his cellphone to make eye contact with me. The small crease that formed in between his eyebrows disappears as he flashes a smile.

He can't fool me. I've done that before, I'm familiar with the detailed steps to convince someone that everything is well.

"Don't say all is well." I quickly add before he can continue with his repugnant lie.

He hesitates before he begins to speak, he soon looks over at the unused napkin an begins to toy around with it. The small voices of the many consuming customers become unimportant, the waiters swiftly moving around to attend their tables become a distraction to him, but still I wait patiently for him to explain.

"I was suppose to have dinner with m'mum today." He finally spoke up, his eyes still didn't meet mine but I waited for him to continue, but he never did.

"Did it bother you that she wasn't able to?" I question cautiously.

"I just haven't spoken to her in quite a while, and now that I make time she tells me she's been on a holiday for a whole week with this friend of her's who has some sort of interest in her, and she forgets to let me know?"

Although he's angry, he speaks slowly and calm, I know he's not very upset about not seeing his mom, but upset at the fact that his mom is on vacation with someone who likes her. I decide not to shine light to what is actually annoying him because in reality I don't want to know what he'll say, I also don't know what he will do.

He scoffs and shakes his head. "My parent's are divorced Leah. My dad lives alone and works non-stop whereas my mother is out there enjoying her life and trying to forget she has a son."

The anger diminished as sorrow takes its toll. He diverts his attention to the white napkin he has been holding on to. Creases begin to form because of the various ways he has been folding it,

"What makes you think she's trying to forget you?"

It doesn't take long before he responds, "She told me herself." I debate on whether or not to reach for his hand, just to give him reassurance that I care. Although my mother left me I couldn't understand his pain of feeling unwanted. Sure my mother did abandon us, but I was always reassured that I was wanted by her. My father did a good job in reassuring me that.

Strange really, you would think that at this age Liam wouldn't care about his mother not truly wanting him, people our age tend to drift from their parents, in search of independence and exploration, but here he sits like an injured boy waiting for his mother to heal the wound. Making an effort to see her and speak with her. He's in search for security from a parent who's not interested; while I'm the child runing wildly through the unknown forest, away from the security of the only parent I have.

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