Chapter Twenty-One

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I sit at ease as they talk away. After speaking to Harry the other night, I couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving my father. Sure he took the part of a villain in my life, but if I put myself in his perspective, he's just concerned. He's always been overprotective.

Harry advice me to take my time to speak to him, as of right now he doesn't know much about my background, but he is aware of what my father has done. Niall suddenly shakes the top of my hair, misplacing it everywhere. I wouldn't mind if it weren't for the fact that my hair is curly and gets frizzy easily. I frown at his exasperating assault as he begins to laugh with Ali by his side.

Liam sits beside me as Kyson rambles on about his boss treating him like shit. His hair seems to be getting longer; long enough for him to pull it back into a small slick ponytail. He recently decided to dye his hair platinum and the darkness of his beard is an odd combination, but he looks handsome. His hazel eyes meet mine as gives me a small smile accompanied by a cheeky wink.

His apartment is small, He lives an hour away from the rest but he did state that he loves to keep his distance. Cheap empty beers are placed all around us as Niall and Ali cuddle on the floor, Harry keeps his distance by sitting with Cece on the other couch. Ty and Beck still cooking something up in the kitchen. The board game lays about while no one pays much attention to it.

"So she told you to leave as you please?" Liam suddenly interrupts.

"Yeah, just like that mate. I mean, what a git." Kyson replies as he welcomes nicotine into his lungs by inhaling the skinny object placed between his index and middle finger. He exhales slowly and shakes his head. The odor soon captivates the room, encouraging me to go to the kitchen and fetch myself another beer.

Beck and Kai hold the hot plates of soup on each hand as they scurry into the living room. Openin the small fridge I find what I was looking for, but from the corner of my eye I sense his prescense, the tight black shirt and tight dark pants bring his light colored hair out.

"You doing okay?" The smell of alcohol is evident when he speaks.

"Yeah I'm fine, just came for another one." Why wouldn't I be okay.

"So I heard Harry apologized, and you're friends with him again?" His eyes slightly squint as the dark glass bottle meets his lips. I know how he feels about the situation, he doesn't even have to express it. Frankly I don't understand why he's not very fond of Harry, he has no reason to be rude to someone he hardly knows.

"Yes, people make mistakes Liam. It's okay to forgive them?" I say state rather calmly as he leans his back against the sink and places his beer next to him on the granite counter. Only to fold his arms and look at me directly.

"Really? Then why won't you forgive that Al of yours?"

My heart drops, as if someone placed dozens of heavy bricks on top there's no way for the poor thing to recover. The lump in my throat begins to hurt.

"That was different!" I spit.

The room next door goes quiet and but laughter soon erupts which brings some relief, because I know they are oblivious as to what is occurring here. "It's different." I whisper again.

"How so Leah?" He taunts me, a small smile forms on his lips. The lips that almost came in contact with my own.

"Who I decide to forgive is my decision, there are people who's body is only filled with venom rather than the exquisite liquid that makes as creatures, otherwise known as blood." My chest begins to heave as I further explain myself. "What Al did is unacceptable, and although I genuinely loved him at a certain point of my life, I will never accept his apology. Not that he gave one to begin with." His smile doesn't change as he unfolds his arms and takes another sip of his cheap beer.

"You still haven't answered my question and I will ask again, how so Leah?" The need for me to reply is unexplained, it's really none of his business, and I shouldn't even be explaining myself to such a idiot. Alcohol can really make him a prick. Maybe this is the real him, people say drunks only speak truth, maybe it's the same personality wise.

"He found my mother. " The words spill through my mouth the way water escapes from your cupped hands. His face shows no emotions, but that only because what I stated is only half of what has fucked me up.

"You know her?" His voice shakes, I don't want to continue but I feel the need to.

"I know her current partner." My body trembles at the thought of the man.

"You know her husband?"

I wish I could tell more but my brain has decided to block all of what has occurred, this was only part of my story. Without continuing I make my way back into the living room.I soon feel regret; regret for letting Liam in, telling him something that never should have been said. Even if it's only a small piece of the undeveloped picture.

Harry is still seated on the couch, this time alone with his legs crossed. He observes me closely as his lips pursed into a thin line. Everyone is scattered around the small given area. Talking and laughing at one another. Happy. Something I've been seeking, something I may never find. Something I must accept.

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