Chapter Ten

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Liam's P.O.V

"And you accepted?!" Spencer exclaimed. She was furious as to why I was alone having dinner with Leah. She found it inappropriate and I couldn't blame her. It did look wrong but even after Leah explained the situation it only set her off more.

" I was being polite, I was helping Niall out, he was already late for work and the poor girl is in a city she has never been to before." I was getting tired of having this conversation. In fact I was getting tiered of her presence. We just got back together little over a month ago and here I am back to the same routine of arguing.

"Don't you think she should of figured that out herself? That's her problem not your's babe." She stood up her black shirt hung loose as she bend down and gathered her belongings. I wasn't going to stop her because I no longer wanted her in my presence. "Walk me out will ya?" She asked as she started walking toward the door. Before she reached the door handle Carter appeared. She looked surprised to see Spencer .

"Oh, hey Spencer!" Carter tried her best to welcome her. She was never really fond of Spencer. In fact when I decided to tell her that I was breaking up with her, she took me out to a small pub. Just the two of us. We got so fucking drunk that I don't recall even paying for the drinks. She did tell me that a friend of hers worked there as a bartender and he was going to give us a discount. Maybe we ended up getting free drinks that whole night, probably one of the best nights I've had so far.

"Goodbye Liam!" Spencer looked back and gave Carter a look of disgust.

"Wow, she's not a very happy gal, is she?" Carter laughed as she made her way into the living room and settled down the white clothing bags that once laid heavily on her small arms onto the small hideous white table in the middle of the living room.

"Shes only happy when it's just her and I, when others are around she tends be completely different!" I try to say in a serious tone.

"You mean she's herself around others?" Carter asked as she walked away from me and into the small kitchen.

"I was hoping you'd be here this morning for me." I said hoping to change the subject. Spencer and I had a lot to figure out about our relationship and I didn't need outsiders opinions to effect what I wanted to do about Spencer and I.

"I'm honestly sorry Liam, you know I'm always here but work called unexpectedly and I had to do what I had to do. Leah was here though, did you speak to her about anything?" She smiled oddly at the mention of her cousin.

"I mean I didn't open up to her but we went out with Niall and Ali for a small tour and ended up at the small restaurant where one of their mates work at. Forgot his name but hes nice. Your cousin and I did get into a very deep discussion about past relationships though." Her eyebrows rose as she looked over at me.

"Yeah? How deep?" She asked. The tone in her voice more serious than ever. The only time I've ever witnessed that tone was at work when I would visit, but only occasionally and that sort of tone was never directed towards me.

"Carter, she was hesitant about speaking to me about that topic, I don't think it's something I should share with you." I said as I played around with my phone looking down at it as oft it would help me out of the awkward situation that I was in.

"That's the answer I was looking for." She replied happily. "Listen I know a lot of what happened in the past and some of it is the reason why she's here. Al, was that who she spoke about?"


"She does trust you, and she's only known you for two days. I know a lot of what has occurred and although I've known you for a very long time and would love to tell you what I know, I would never be able to. Simply because it's not my story to tell." I couldn't tell how she was feeling. She was staring at her glass of water and seemed to be thinking over what she just said to me.

"I'm glad it was you who she told and not some random lunatic." She spoke softly as she placed her hand on top of mine.

"Where is my Leah anyways? Did she just go to bed this early?"

Author's Note:

Short chapter but I hope whoever is reading is enjoying it so far. I write because I enjoy it, I love creating stories and developing characters so I know this story is a little slow but give it some time. "Good things are never rushed" is what I always say. Happy Martin Luther King day. Hope you're all doing good.

-- Y.E.

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