Chapter Twenty-Five

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The cancer stick tucked in between his lips ignites as he inhales and allows the substance it obtains to ruin his lungs. I observe him carefully, the way his eyes squint slightly every time he breaths out, how often he brings his hands up to tuck his moderately long curly hair away from his face and behind his ear. It's not as long as my dear friend Harold's, who is currently inside in deep slumber, but it may be getting there if he doesn't go out for a small trim. The way he glances over at me every once in a while is comical and how he can care less that I haven't looked away. He rolls his eyes at me before he speaks.

"So, I'm assuming you didn't plan to see me again or phone me to at least say that you didn't want to meet up and waste your time talking about books, with some fucking geek like me ." Matthew laughs lightly.

"I did want to meet up and talk about books. I just got caught up with everything that's been happening. I apologize for not resp-."

"S'fine Leah." He waves me off while his cigarette rest in between his lips and his hands return to the comfort of the pockets his leather jacket offers. Their backyard isn't as bad as he had made it out to be, sure it's small but they seem to do a good job at maintaining the place clean. I look around the area once again, in hopes of finding a wooden stick to keep my hands occupied with. No luck of finding one, I am interrupted by Matthew again. "How do you know Harry again?"

"He's a good friend of my cousin."

"The cousin you're staying here with at the moment, correct?"

I nod to reassure him that he is in fact correct. I don't know what I will be doing after tonight, if I should head back to Carter's apartment or stay the night with someone I hardly know. I trust Harry, clearly, but Matthew and Ollie are complete strangers. Their intentions don't seem bad, but you are never sure. "So why the sudden visit? It's odd of Harry to come around, ya know?"

Now, I'm curious as to why Harry doesn't come around much. He mentioned that they were indeed his close friends. I take the opportunity to get to know not only Harry but Matthew more by moving the conversation a lot longer than he probably intends it to be. "What do you mean Harry doesn't come around often?"

Matthew sighs and extends his arm out to grab the glass bottle of beer placed next to him, that he pulled out of his fridge before we settled out here. "He just doesn't come around as often. Use to live with us you know?" He drops his cigarette and stomps on so that it dies out. "We use to be a band believe it or not."


"Yeah, we were pretty good. It was fun." He laughs and looks up at the dark sky that looms above us. When his head is abruptly down he faces me with raised eyebrows. "He's been through a lot. I don't blame him for keeping his distance. He fucking deserves it, but I still try to look after him. He can be too fucking nice and others take that as an opportunity to do what they please. He's of course too blind to see that.It's shit for those who do it."

"Why are you avoiding my question, Leah." He sounds more serious, I know he wants a response and I'm willing to give him one but I'm mentally trying to word the situation in the best way I can. Frankly, a part of me was hoping I could distract him so I wouldn't have to answer, but he's smarter than that. I should've known better. "Well as you know I'm not from here." Matthew shakes his head and laughs all while leaning in closer to me. "We know, babe." He slowly lays his head to rest on my lap. I hesitate on whether to to tuck his hair back so that it doesn't cover his face. Not giving it much thought I begin to do so only to have him drone back in appreciation. "Well, I've been living with my cousin, you know that. I'm just here temporarily."

"I remember Leah, get to the point please." I playfully slap his head. He says nothing but laughs loudly. "Anyways, we just got invited to one of her friend's house, a few drinks were consumed and later that evening some harsh words were exchanged."

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