Chapter Twenty-Three

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The unexpected visitors await for my response within impatience. I have no clue what Liam would like to speak about, and to be honest I didn't wan't to hear him out. I find this small game we are playing foolish. He should be concentrating on his girlfriend rather than my problems, and I should be concentrating on choosing my next destination. Frankly, I wish I knew why he continues to come back to me. What does he have to prove. I look over at Harry who gives me a reassuring smile.

"Sorry guys, I'm talking to Harry right now and the both of us would like some privacy."

Niall's eyebrows rise as his mouth forms a big "o", he's assuming things he shouldn't be but he's heavily intoxicated and would be incapable of even walking in a straight line, if asked. Liam nods and walks away as Niall leans on the door frame and smiles at us. He breaths in and three seconds later out before he closes the door for us and walks away.

"Are you sure you wan't to keep talking to me? Liam's conversation seems more important by the tone of his voice?"

I turn over to look at him and notice a small black and white bracelet placed around his wrist. "What's that?" I ask, avoiding the question.

He looks surprised that I even asked and continues to play with it, all while giggling and shaking his head as if contemplating whether he should tell me or not. "My cousin gave it to me when I last visited home, she apparently makes these." He abruptly makes eye contact with me.There is something interesting about Harry. A charisma that attracts everyone and it's hard to understand why. I'm sure he's unaware of it himself, that itself is what draws one to him. The fact that he's oblivious to the fact that he's genuinely a nice human being. We may have stepped on each others toes at one point but, the fact that he was able to come and speak to me in person as to why he was acting the way he was is something that not many would do. Slowly his lips part and he lets his tongue run softly across his lower lip. He leans in all too fast but I stop him before he can go any further. His body relaxes against my unsteady touch. This all occurred to quickly, my hand place on the center of his chest while his eyes try to search for me.

"I'm sorry, Leah." He begins to apologize but all I can think about is what he just attempted to do. Where did he misread everything. "I just felt something at the moment, I don't know what but it felt genuine." He continues to ramble on and all too quickly he stands up and begins to pace back and forth; from one side of the room, to the other. His hands run through his hair as he takes his seat next to me again and places his elbows on his knees.

Everything stays quiet, the only thing audible is the thump of the base coming from the stereo being used in the next room. I try to think of what to say next, this wouldn't be the first time it has happend to me. I just need to let him know where we stand, it's not going to be awkward unless he makes it the case. I can move on from this, I'm sure weeks from now we'll be laughing about it. We're young and experimenting is all part of the process. "Harry, I don't know when or how you misread the situation but just know that I'm not looking for anything beyond a friendship. We are getting to know each other and its fun, I love who you are and I hope you understand that." I state, although I don't believe what I am saying, especially with what I have been feeling towards Liam. I have been telling myself it's just lust, I'm sure it is.

Harry stays quiet and I take it as a chance to hold his hand and bring it up to my lips. I kiss his knuckles gently and wait a little longer for a response. He looks up and over to me, with a small smile which is better than nothing.

"Lets go outside and see what everyone is up to?" I suggest. He only stands and takes my hand once again, to help me up as we make our way back to the group of friends we abandoned for what seems like two hours.

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