Chapter Nine

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The knocks continued as I walked around the room picking up the clothes I carelessly left scattered around this morning. After placing them on top of a black velvet chair that was placed in the corner of the room, I made my way towards the bedroom door.

There he stood. I mentally prepared myself for his excuse. He immediately looked up and gestured a weak smile.

"Leah, I really need to explain myself for what happened back at the restaurant." He spoke very fast and his thick accent made it more difficult to grasp some of the words he was saying.

"It was rude of me and I would like to apologize, but you left with no explanation and from the state you were in I wasn't sure how to handle the situation." I understood where he was coming from and if I was completely honest I was over this ridiculous situation. It's not something I should of taken to heart but I did. Just seconds ago he stood in front of my door with his stupid cocky smirk, basically shoving money down my throat. Now he stands before me with his big dark colored eyes that make him appear vulnerable, all sweet apologizing for his actions?

" My girlfriend was there with a couple of her mates and when she saw me she asked me to leave with her, I didn't have your number and she was already on one when she found out I was alone with you." He exclaimed.

I was thrown off by the fact that I had met his girlfriend at such a vulnerable moment. I wasn't informed Liam had a girlfriend but it wasn't something I wasn't expecting. He is handsome and his personality is very appealing and intriguing but at times confusing. Overall I was mostly confused with why his girlfriend would be upset with me. I am no threat, she is very beautiful and had no reason to feel how she did. Guilt soon washed over me.

"Is your girlfriend still in the living room?" I asked.

"Yeah, she had to use the restroom but I'm sure she's back." He stated confused as to why I would be asking him this. I walked away from him and down the small narrow hall that would bring me into the living room.

As predicted she was seated in the corner of the couch, interested on her phone more than the movie. As I approached her she set the device down and stared directly at me. She looked at me with disgust, although it hurt to be looked at in that manner, I had to state what needed to be stated.

"I know you're already not very fond of me but I would like to be polite first and introduce myself. My name is Leah and as you may know already I'm Carter's cousin." I pulled my hand out and hoped that she took my gesture into consideration to my surprise she didn't and rose her eyebrow.

It was rude and at that point I felt no need to explain myself to her but I did for Liam's sake. "Listen I'm just an acquaintance of Liam's nothing more. Not even a friend if I may say. Niall and Ali were giving me a tour around London and Liam happened to be there, when Niall had to go into work unexpectedly they asked Liam if he could bring me back. He was just being polite, there is no need to feel threatened by me." I decided not to wait for her response and just walked away before she questioned me further.

Today has been a long day and all I wanted to do was take a long warm shower and head to bed where my mind would finally be set to rest. These are one of the many reasons as to why I didn't want to make a quick stop in London before I headed out. But it's a sacrifice I had to make for myself financially.

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