Chapter Eight

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They were cuddled in the corner of the couch with a black blanket over them not seeming to notice my present until I closed the door behind me. I soon felt the awkwardness of this whole situation, so I simply removed myself from it by walking straight into the guest bedroom.

As I walked across room I could feel both their gazes on me. Carter wasn't even home so I have no clue how he could of opened the door? Unless I didn't lock it before I left, which I know isn't it because it checked right after locking it. A sudden knock on my door pulled me away from my thoughts and with every single chance of luck I had for it not to be Liam. When I opened the door, just with my luck Liam stood in front of me.

Concern washed over his face, he finally built the confidence to make eye contact with me. The concern that had appeared in his face was soon washed off and I was greeted by a cold and cocky smile. When I looked down to see what he was holding in his hand I noticed the money he held.
"It's for the dinner I forgot to pay for tonight, take it." He spoke abruptly as he shoved the money towards my chest. I didn't want his money, I didn't even mind paying for our meals. I was more hurt over the fact that I opened up to someone and they ended up leaving me in the middle of a restaurant with no heads up.

I took the money and shoved it against his toned chest as quickly as possible and soon after shut the white wooden door with lock. I headed towards the bed. I laid with my back facing the ceiling as I called Carter once again hoping that she would answer. After a couple of long pauses I am welcomed by the sweet voice of my cousin who I wish would've answered long ago.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay? Where have you been?" She was speaking to fast for me to even respond to her first question. By the sound of it I figured Liam didn't tell her that he had left me at the restaurant.

"I'm at your apartment, listen I'm exhausted and wish to be alone for a while, so when you get here please let me be."

"Oh, okay, yeah, sure. But we will talk about this tomorrow okay?"

"Sounds fine, goodnight."

Soon after ending the call I heard another knock at my door.

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