Chapter Nineteen

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"He's looking for me?" He takes a long time to respond and seems to be shuffling through papers from the other side of the line. His exaggerated breath makes me aware that he's just as stressed as I am.

"Leah, he knew you were living in New York, he just didn't know you were leaving the country!" I know he has more to say, so I wait for him to continue.

"He's just concerned I'm sure. I would be just as concerned as he is." I begin to put myself in my father's point of view. I can see why he's concerned but after a year of living in New York and he never bothered to contact me, so why now?

"Why now?" I ask Zayn as he chuckles at my question.

"Babe, your father has some strong connections. He found Sadie first, out of all people. Later came on to to me and even threatened that if anything were to happen, I would be at fault for encouraging this type of behavior." He begins to laugh again. I don't know why he's searching for me, but whatever the reason, it's probably not that serious.

"The blond woman you always spoke about was along with him. Skirt, white button up and grey blazer and all. It's nice to have a face to the name now." Janet. Janet was my fathers assistant, the woman basically raised me herself. Her hair was always blond. She was always so well put around my father, yet she was strong enough to call him out when acting irrational.

She was devastated the day I told her I would be leaving to New York. The only difference was she didn't want to keep me from doing what she knew I was capable of.

"Do you think it's serious? The reason why he may be searching for me now?"

"No,he's probably just trying to drag you back to California with him." He scoffs. "I just wanted to inform you that he's still out there searching for you."

"Thanks Zayn." I appreciate that I have a friend like Zayn in my life, we tend to understand one another very well and he always stays true to his word. I don't know anyone who is willing to look after me like him and I'm sure he does it with good intentions.

"Alright, goodbye babe."

I press my back against the comfortable blue comforter; his comfortable bed. I was so occupied with my issues, I forgot I was in Liam's apartment. My first time actually being here. He only lived a door down from Carter's and we have never been invited to his place. The white curtains allowed the street lights to illuminate his room. The minty smell of his sheets brought a sense of comfort. The sound of a television in the living room, reminds me that I should start heading back to Carter's apartment.

As I enter the living room I notice Liam is still on his phone. He is no longer wearing the clothes he wore to dinner. Black sweats and a plain black T-shirt take the place of his uncomfortable tight jeans and long White shirt. He brings more attention to himself wearing all black against his white L shaped sofa.

He begins to feel my presence and turns around to look at me. "Ay, everything better?" His red plum lips move slowly as he speaks to me. I don't know why I'm paying attention to his lips, it's strange and he probably noticed me doing it. I shake my head lightly and nod. "Yea, just a few things I needed to take care of, sorry for freaking out back there."

"It's fine. Wan't to watch a film with me?" As much as I would like to I begin to question what his girlfriend would think if she walked in and saw us. She would probably slap me. I've never been slapped before and don't plan on getting slapped today so I decline nicely.

"Spencer would come in and god know's what she would do to both of us. She already thinks I'm fooling around with you after having one conversation, so I rather not."

"Leah, I.."His phone begins to vibrate as he mouths "sorry" and takes the call. I stand in my place very awkwardly and decide that I should really get going. I tap his shoulder to say goodbye, but he shakes his head and tells me to stay.

I decide to act as though I don't understand and make my way towards the door. My hand reaches the handle but I am soon turned around and pressed onto the white colored door. His body leans into mine as he brings his hand up to my cheek, he moves his thumb in circular motions against my cheek as his eye's are locked into mine. The thought of what can happen brings a strange sensation through out my body. "It's fine, I'll call you back."

Whoever he seems to be speaking to doesn't wan't to end the call. I stand in place afraid that if I move he'll press his body against mine once again. "You can't leave without saying goodbye properly." It takes me a second to realize he's speaking to me. He raises his eyebrow as he waits for my response. "Goodbye Liam, thanks for everything." I can barley recognize my voice. He smirks at me and lightly presses his lips on my cheek. He knows what he's doing, we can both feel it. The room seems hotter and my body is acting strange. I haven't felt this titillating feeling in a while, the thought of it alone makes me shake. His lips loose contact with my skin and he pushes himself away.

He opens the door for me and stands against the door frame as he watches me walk further down the hall with his cellphone still pressed againts his ear. I look back a couple of times to find him still wearing that cheeky grin.

His eyes intently observing me until I reach Carter's front door. He waves at me before I enter the apartment. A smile soon forms on my fragile face and I mentally scold myself for liking it, liking him for what he just did. Loving the way his body was pressed against mine and the way he held me.

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