Chapter Thirteen

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Leah's P.O.V

Harry and I spent most of our time here talking about his job and the kind of music he enjoys. He was intrigued by my life in New York. We had a lot in common but one of the things we both shared was our love for music and lyrics. He went on jokingly rehearsing one of his seventh grade poems to me. Cheese Over Marriage is what he claimed to call it. We were so caught up in our own little talk that I didn't notice the people we surrounded ourselves with having their own small conversations. As I looked around the table, I noticed Liam was gone, along with Spencer.

"He left a while ago." Harry whispers in my ear, making it tickle due to his unexpected voice. I couldn't help but laugh at the bubbly man.

"Who?" I questioned causally.

"Liam or whatever. The guy who was sitting in front of us with that really hot girl." He raised his eyebrows as he smiled cheekily.

"Oh. Yeah, Liam and Spencer?"

"Yeah, he didn't seem very happy with me." He whispers as he clutches his heart and jokingly leans back as if having a heart attack. Almost mockingly saying that it really hurt his feelings that Liam isn't fond of him. I couldn't help but laugh at his goofy actions. By his appearance you would never come to the conclusion that he was easy to speak to, as well as , well mannered. He wore a black shirt, with black faded jeans and brown worn out boots which I actually liked. His tattoos were placed in visible areas. They seemed symbolic; just simple objects placed in random parts of his tan colored skin. His hair was long and curled at the ends, I told him that they reminded me of curly fries, he didn't take it as a complement but smirked and rolled his eyes. He was very easy to get along with and had many interesting stories to tell me.

Everyone suddenly started to gather their things. There was an argument as to who was going to pay but Harry came up with the wonderful solution. So everyone decided to pitch in. Carter took my money and shoved it back in my purse, insisting that she would pay. I couldn't let her pay for my expensive meal, so of course it led to an argument.

"Do you want to get to your next destination?" She questioned as one of her eyebrows rose up.

I didn't even have to answer the questions, she knew the answer and paid for my meal. Harry curiously observed us as we walked back to the apartment. We decided to stay in for a while and watch a movie. Carter excused herself as Harry and I began to settle down on the couch.

"This couch is hideous!" He laughs.

I couldn't agree more. The color brings life to the room but it's like one of those things when the longer you stare at it the stranger it gets.

"I agree but it's a bit comfortable don't you think?"

"Well last time I crashed her flat I had to sleep on it and it was like laying on a rock." He retorts.

Carter soon enters the room and lays several movies on the coffee table. They range from romantic comedies to one horror film she manage to keep. "Wicked Little Things?" I question. This was one of the first horror movies we have ever seen together. Carter was never a big fan of scary movies but I on the other hand enjoyed them. Cheesy or not I would watch them.

"Yeah, I had to purchase it. I mean it's basically a classic." She shakes her head and laugh as Harry looks at our interaction with a smirk on his face.

The movie as strange but Carter insisted that we continue to watch it. Harry kept laughing at Carter for slightly jumping at the gruesome scenes.

Once the movie was over, my back began to hurt slightly due to the position I laid. We had decided to head to the kitchen and make ourselves a late night snack. Grilled cheese sandwich is what Carter and I had decided.

"A grilled cheese sandwich? I haven't had one of those since like I visited my mate in America." Harry smiled.

A knock at the door interrupted us. Carter glanced at us with a questioned look on her face as she made her way to the door. He soon came to view , he entered the kitchen with my cousin.

"Evening." He nodded his head as he glanced up at Harry.

There was something off about him. He was serious again like the first night I met him. His posture stiffened as he sat next to Harry on one of the stools.

"We're making grilled cheese Liam. I bet your a bit hungry." Carter offers.

He doesn't respond but looks at me soon after she turns her back to him. Harry seems uncomfortable and the atmosphere of the room has changed drastically.

"So you never answered my question Leah, where's your next destination?" Harry asks making the room less awkward than what it feels.

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