Chapter Three

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Last nights conversation with Carter didn't go how I expected it to. I was aware of my mistakes as well as the ones others around me had made, but we all do the same thing. We make mistakes and whether we are forgiven or not continue on with whatever other obstacles this life holds for us. I walked out of the comfort of the guest room and into the small living room. A note was placed on the vintage white table that Carter had placed in the middle of her living room. She had sent me photos of the first pieces of furniture she had purchased on her own when she first arrived here.

Received a call from a very well know client of mine, won't be able to make it home until 7p.m.. Eat whatever you please, Niall and Ali will be coming over around 3p.m to take you around (their idea not mine). Also Liam usually comes around in the morning to drink some tea and talk, unfortunately I won't be there this morning. Do your favorite cousin a favor and take my place.

Love you loads,


Just as she predicted there was knock on the door. I double checked just in case it wasn't the person Carter had been expecting. I have seen way too many documentaries on people taking advantage of others and just barging into their apartment's with bad intentions. I opened the door slightly and in front of me stood the young man who was probably looking forward to talking with my cousin rather than myself.

"Good morning." I smiled as he looked from his feet up to me.

"Morning Leah! Is Carter home?"

The tone in his voice wasn't it's usual, he sounded a bit blue. I stared at him longer than I should of, but the dramatic change in his facial expressions were hard to not notice.

"She is not, but she left me a note stating that you would come around this time for tea and a talk?"

"Listen, I don't want to offend you or anything but I can't sit down and speak to you about the things I usually speak to Carter about. For god sake's I barley even know you. You're a complete stranger." He glanced down at his shoes as he ran his hand through his well done hair.

"I'm not expecting you to do so Liam. I would have to say though, that sometimes talking to a complete stranger, like myself; is better than speaking to someone you know well. Frankly, I won't understand some of the things you want to discuss but I can try my best to understand." The smile that formed on his face had informed me that he was up for the idea but was still a little hesitant.

"So are you going to invite me in or are we going to have our conversation out here?" he spoke suddenly as I moved aside to invite him in.

I had fixed the both of us some warm tea as Liam sat quietly on the couch, and from his blank expression I could tell he was over thinking things. I set the two tea cups on the white table, as he mumbled a quiet "Thank you". I faced him while he stared at nothing but matter. The tight black shirt he wore with black jeans and a red flannel that tied around his waist flowed out, onto the uncomfortable teal colored sofa.

"I'm just sick of it all." He spoke abruptly.

"Have you ever been treated badly, Leah? Well honestly I doubt you have, you seem like a lovely person and I doubt you would let people take advantage of you."

"Actually Liam you're very mistaken. I have been treated badly and taken advantage of multiple of times. And the fact that I seem like a 'lovely' person gives others the motivation to hurt me."

He chuckles before beginning to speak. "That's a little sad. See, others love taking advantage of me." He rolls his eyes and sighs as he turns his attention to me.

"You know what I don't want to talk about my ridiculous problems, I haven't been making the effort to get to know you and that is my fault; it takes me a while to get comfortable with someone."

"It's okay I completely understand and your problems are not ridiculous, if there is one thing you should know about me is that I enjoy helping others out and listening to them when they need it the most."

He stands up to pace around the room, hand on his hips as he adjust his tight black t-shirt.

"I understand you're from New York? So, what is interesting about that state Leah?" He questions as he suddenly jumps onto the thick white vintage table, pointing his index finger in my direction and squinting his light chocolate eyes. His sudden action caused me to laugh and it wasn't until I was done laughing that I was able to respond.

"Yes, I do currently live in New York Mr.?

"Payne." He smiled

"Mr. Payne. But no I'm not originally from there. I was born and raised in California. Moved out after I had graduated High School to attend college in New York and major in English which according to others is a very pointless degree and waste of money!"

"That's very interesting, but you still haven't answered my question love. Why New York? And if I may ask what's your current occupation?"

"I just needed to get far from home Liam. I never planed to live in California my whole life, I like to travel and if anything being confined in one place is very suffocating! And as to what I do, I don't have a job Laim, I do things just to get me by and although at times its hard I've never been happier." His lips stretched wide as he showed his pearl white teeth; most likely smiling at my ridiculous way of living.

"That's the answer I was looking for." Silence filled the room for a minute as we pondered at what had been said.

"And when you say you do things just to get you by, what exactly do you do Leah?" Do you work those New York streets."

I chuckled as I throw a white pillow placed beside me.

"No Liam, I am not working the streets of New York, and we shouldn't be laughing at that. People with that occupation are not less then us, they're still human, trying to get through the day."

We stood silent as we kept eye contact and smiled at what I just had stated. Tilting his head he opened his mouth slightly as if to say something and held it back.

"You have a fascinating way of thinking you know that?"

Before I could say something a three gentle knocks interrupted me. I stood from the couch and walked my way over.

"LEAH!!!" They both yelled as they embraced me in a tight hug and walked right past me to enter the apartment.

"Liam?" Ali asks as Niall strides over to embrace him.

"Well then, are you ready take a marvelous tour of London Leah?" Niall asked as Ali timidly walked to his side and faced me.

"I'll go take a quick shower and change, so we can start this marvelous adventure!"

I notice Liam sitting uncomfortable on the couch as he fiddled around with his fingers.

"Liam, would you like to join us?"

"I would love to." He smiled in response.

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