Chapter Twenty-Two

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Laughter erupts with groans and chuckles as Kyson and Carter take pride in their wining at charades. Looking around the room I suddenly notice how drunk and heedless they all are. Ali lays her head on Niall's shoulder all while Beck stretches her skinny legs out and lays her head on Ali's legs as if it were some sort of pillow. The hard tile floor keeps the room nice and cool as we open some of the windows to let out the warm air.

Harry sits in between Kai and Tyler, or Ty. Who just arrived with a dark haired girl. She seems out of her comfort zone and sends strange glances over to Kyson and Niall. Her intentions are clear, but I sit back and observe her closely before I can make anything of it. Her all black high waist jeans and plain blue shirt don't match her red colored jacket, but she doesn't seem to mind. Liam soon enters the room as he sits next to Kai. They all barley fit in the small sofa but are so keen on making it work. I guess you can say it would be more comfortable than the hard floor.

I'm too busy observing everyone to notice that La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong was softly playing in the background, Niall and Ali obviously noticed since they decide to stand up and dance to the soothing lover's song. I decided not to participate in the game only because I'm already too intoxicated and can barley stand on my own fucking feet. Harry leaves the room but doesn't look very happy. His posture is stiff and his eyebrows seem tightly furrowed together all while his mouth stiffens into a thin line. No one seems to notice his absence and curiosity gets the best of me, as it always does.

I force myself to stand up and carefully watch my steps so that I don't step on anybody's legs or hands. I make it to the hallway and lean my head against the wall to give myself a small break. The room is spinning, and it feels as though it's going to take me fifty more minuets to get to the first door. The dim light helps my vision for it lets me continue to open the first left door. I come to face the a toilet and a sink, I close the door a little to loudly but continue to make my way through the unknown space. The next door is slightly closed and I can see Harry lying on his back with his boots still on the hard floor. His arms are crossed under his head which lifts his gray shirt slightly upward, exposing what seems to be feathers, inked on both sides of his lower stomach.

I walk in and go straight to the bed. I jump up and wait until my back hits the soft duvet. I fall quickly and my body bounces up slightly, my hair covers my face and instead of moving it away with my hands, I decide to blow it out of my face. Harry doesn't seem to mind, he lays still in the same position, only this time he looks at me with a innocent smile, that later expose his perfectly straight teeth.

"Alcohol sure loosens you up!" He states as he directs his attention back to the ceiling. I laugh and look around Kyson's bedroom. It's quite simple. His bed is placed in the center and he has a few interesting paintings all around.The room smells of common cologne. He owns a wide brown bookshelf but rather than collecting books old records are stacked up neatly and fill it completely. The small window next to it allows any source of light from outside to brighten the room.

"Why did you leave?" I ask as I look back at him and back up at the ceiling trying to figure out what was so interesting about it.

"I was in need of time, time to think." He smirks as he lifts his head up slightly to adjust himself.

"Och. Thinking is no good. Well I mean it is sometimes but when you overdue it, it guides you to the depths of the unknown and lures you into the blues. Do you mind if I stay or would you like me to leave? Sorry if I ruined anything for you." I'm not sure why I keep rambling on to him, but I assume it's the alcohol and I hope for my sake that I don't say something I may regret later.

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