Can you keep a secret

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Mercy's pov:

The police destroyed the city in search of communists and raided any bar that paid the Shelby's for protection.

"The coppers told everyone Arthur had agreed to it when he was arrested. They said the peaky blinders had cleared out to the fair to let them do it." "What?" I asked looking at Arthur as if he lost his mind. "I never said nothing to that copper about smashing up bloody houses!"

"Alright, Which pubs did they do?" Polly and I looked at each other before I read off the list,
"The guns, the chain, the marquis. All the ones that pay you boys to protect them."

"The only one they didn't touch was the garrison," Polly added as I took a drag from my cigarette.

I wasn't much of a smoker unless I was truly stressed. "I think we need to make sure people think we were in on it. These aren't any coppers, they know how to get to people around here." "You always do know what to do, don't you doll?" Arthur said nodding at me

"Finish your beers and get out. You'd better show people you are still the cocks of the walk." "Hand out some cash to the landlords of the pubs. Pay some veterans to fix the places up." Tommy ordered everyone around while Polly and I were going to stick around the shop and help.

"Let them see your faces!" Polly said to all of the boys before closing the double doors. "So we both know what they were looking for." "I think ill just-" "mercy. Sit. I need a witness and a nice cup of tea." I got up and filled the kettle placing it on the hooks in the fireplace.

"You don't read the papers?" "Racing papers." "So let me tell you the odds. I reckon it's three to one there'll be a revolution." "I wouldn't bet in that." "That coppers betting on it. He's not going to let it rest till he gets those guns back."

"Did he talk to you, pol?" "In the church" "did he try to find our ada?" "She's been sleeping," I answered his question. "Where was she sleeping mercy?" "I always thought you didn't care for women's business Thomas Shelby."

"He knows your the boss. He wants to meet you. Will you talk to him?" I heard the kettle start to hiss so I removed it from the fire and let it cool down.

"No. You don't parley when you on the back foot, we'll strike a blowback first."Polly and I watched as Tommy grabbed his coat.

I was sitting at the bar of the garrison talking to harry when Finn came in and hopped on the counter taking the pictures of the king off the wall.

"lad, what are you doing?" Harry and I asked the 10-year-old. "We're having a fire. Come help me mercy!" I got off the stool and walked with him carrying the pictures while he went door to door taking people's portraits of the king.

"Hello Finn, lad. Hello, doll." "Hello scud." We said at the same time as we walked past the cars blocking the entrance.

"Come on, mercy! Throw em in." I smiled at the 10 your hold and tossed the pictures into the fire that Illuminated watery lane. "Come on you, little trouble maker. Back away from the fire." I pulled him back as john came over and threw a few paintings in.

"I hope to god you know what you're doing," Arthur told Tommy who was right next to us. John handed Finn his beer so he could throw in more pictures and Finn took a sip. "Finn Shelby, you spit that out!" I said smacking the back of his head while he handed back the beer. "Calm down mercy, let the lad have a taste," John said as I wiped off Finn's face.
"He can 'have a taste' when he's old enough and done growing, Till then it's sasparilla, cola, and tea" I looked up at John who just smirked at me and sipped his beer.


Polly and I sat in the kitchen of the betting shop drinking tea and reading the news. "Good of you to join us, where have you been all day?" I looked up from my paper to see ada walk in. "In bed. " "Mhm" I hummed as I looked her up and down. She looked off.

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