Playing with Daddy Chp.1

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Billie's POV

"Dad can we go to the park?" "Park!" Joey and Taryn begged. "Ok later I'm tired now." I yawned. "No Now!" Taryn commanded. Well its like she is the boss of me. "Later." "No no no!" She jumped on my back. It felt good until she jumped on my but and my ass starts to hurt. "Oww Taryn get off I'll take you o park right now." She got off of me and I got up. I feel butthurt like literatly butthurt. I got my key and the kids were ready to go. "Thank you dad." Joey smiled. "I Love you Daddy." Taryn grinned. "I love you two both." I said. I'm starting to feel old now, my back and butt hurts I remember the young old days where everything was fine and happy now my life was meessed up but rebuilt its self back. "Dad the park." "Shit." I did a big turn. Good thing the cops didn't see that. "That was Fun!" Taryn yelled. "Yup." Joey nodded. We got off the car and Taryn ran to the playgroumd and so did Joey. I sat down and kept an eye at them. I stared at them play and they seem to be happy playing together. Fuck it I wanna play on the playground with them.

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