When it's Time Chp.20

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I was looking out the car window and I was thinking or day dreaming.


"One day we will have our own family." I smiled. "Yea just 1 kid I wasn't planning on having a kid just yet." "Hey how bad could it be I mean having 3 kids in the future I think you'll love it." "In your dreams Billie this baby is chaging my mind to only have one." "Fine be that way but you will miss this even though it has protection or you have birth control." "Billie I'm not saying we can't stop doing it I'm just saying be protective." "Riiiiiiight." "Oh Billie." she smiled. I looked into her brown eyes and held her close. "You are always mine no matter where you'll be I will still love you." I said. "Billie I'll love you even if I'm dead I'll still love you." she said. I smiled and we rubbed our noses together and then she kissed me. Best Moment ever!

End of Flashback***

"Hey man don't cry." Mike said. "Life is just hard." "How about we go to the studio and practice." Tre said. They always knew music will put me on a another world.

We were at the studio and I was rehearsing a song I did on mine and Amy's 1st year anniversary

Words get trapped in my mind

Sorry I don't take the time to feel the way I do.

(I don't wanna write I wrote it on my music book.)

So tell me when its time to say

I Love You

I cried as I finished the last line.


"So tell me when it's time to say I Love You." I sang the last line to my song. "Billie I loved it!" Amy cried. She kissed me and I moved away to take a breath Damn she kisses for the longest time ever. "Happy Anniversary." I whispered in her ear. "Happy Anniversary." She smiled. "I got a suprise for you and I don't think Taryn will love it." I rubbed her tummy. "But I sure will love it." She smiled. I carried her bridal style up the stairs. "Billie I can walk y'know." "I'm the man." I said. I set her down as we walked down the hallway hand in hand. We entered the room and Tre was watching Tv and Mike was drinking a beer. "Oh god here comes the noises." Tre joked. "Tre I bet you make noises to yourself." I said. Amy laughed and we entered the room were nobody disturbed us.

*End Of Flashback*

"Good Memories." I smiled as the tear ran down my cheek.

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