A Drunken Man Chp.23

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2 hours later***

I was signing guitars with Mike and Tre was also signing. We had so much people coming in and a lot of cool guitars. I actually liked some and some gave me an idea to get a new guitar. "Hey Billie if you would choose between beer or whiskey what would it be." Tre asked. That is a good one but I love whiskey better. "I'll go for whiskey." "Yea." Mike agreed. "Good cause I'm taking you guys to a bar." Tre said. "Oh God." I said. This might be a bad plan I remember Tre falling on top of the cars. Worst night ever.

I went to Mike's house so I won't go home and Adrienne won't be mad. "Hey Mike can I borrow some clothes?" "Sure man." he said. Mike and I have the same size of clothing but a different taste. Well at least I found one of my shirts which was old maybe like 3 or 4 years old but still fits. I grabbed black skinnies and changed.

Well we were ready to go but I got a call from Adrienne. "Billie where the hell are you?!" "80 calm down I'm at Mike's for a while I haven't talk to him the past few weeks." "Ok but you better be home." "I will no worries." I said. "Ok Billie love you." "Love you too." I hung up. "Ready to go?" Tre asked. "Yea." I said. I got in Tre's car and we drove off.

"Alright guys I'm planning to go to a strip club." Tre said. "Look guys I know you guys are single but I have a girl." "And who is driving? me so I wanna go to a strip club." "Fine." I said.

4 hours later***

"Welllll I did have girls alll over me bitchess love mee." I smiled. I was completely wasted and I think I screwed a girl but who could careless. "Heyyy Billie how do you doo." Tre asked. "I'm fine I had girls all over me." "Oh one of the girls gave me her number." Tre said. "Hey Billie how was your girl?" "Good and Fine she loved my my my." I couldn't find the word. "Billie I think we get it." Tre said. "Well let's go home." Mike said. Well we had to drive but it was hard Tre was stupid at driving. But thank god we didn't crash.

I was at home and 80 was in bed waiting for bed. "Hey 80 how was my..." I looked for the word but somehow I can't find it. "Billie what are you talking about?" "I'm talking about my pride." I laughed. I finally found the word. "Billie we didn't do it or nothing and I don't want to." "Alright." I said. I slept in my boxers and it was weird I used to sleep like that.

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