Good Riddance Chp.21

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3 hours later***

I was at home watching Tv with Joey and Jakob in my arms. Adrienne was cleaning our room since it was pretty messy. "Billie! What is this?!" Adrienne yelled. Oh god I hate it when she gets mad.

I go up the stairs with Jakob in my arms. "What's what?" "What's this?" She said. It was the ring I gave to Amy. I sat Jakob down and snatched it from her hand."Billie what is it?" "Its the ring I gave to my fiance." I said cockily. "Well give it I'm gonna sell it." She took out her hand. "Fuck no are you crazy? this is special to me." "Yea but not to me neither is this box." she said. I get the box and it was full of mine and Amy's memories. Our photos and her journal and laptop and my old music sheets I did with her. "I'm keeping this." I said.

Not caring what she said I went downstairs and turned on the light I turned off the Tv and sat there looking through everything. I looked at Amy's journal all her drawings I looked at it. "So this is what she will do at times." I mumbled. She drew me which was pretty impressive she was good. I saw this sentence and it read 'Be Silently Drawn.' Seems she didn't continue it but I like it. I looked at more of her drawings and there was a rose and there was a tiger and there was a picture of us kissing. Just like the photo she copied it in a drawing. She was a great artist I wish I was this good. I looked at a photo and it was me and Taryn and there was a figure could it be her? Or is it the photo? Weird.

I put it in Taryn's room where Adrienne can't find it. I put it on top of her closet but I had so much trouble.

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