I still miss her Chp.25

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****Later On In Life****

Working for the orphanage ain't easy but I really do need money for my new guitar. I work constantly and constantly even though I'm 13. Yeah i'm getting old. i dusted the shelves and I think to myself who is my mother and father and these images I see constantly in my head or am I just day dreaming? all these question I wish to know. "Taryn you can go get ready for bed." said my manager. thank god!

Billie"s P.O.V

"Daddy I want a fish. I want a fish. I want a fish." Joey begged. "ok I'll get you a fish kiddo let me get my car keys." I answered. I walked into my room and totally forgot what I was going to get. I looked at the walls nope no clue. I looked at my phone and at a photo. My baby Taryn is gone all because of my fault i'm a dumbass. I should've been kidnap not her she doesn't know much she was 3. "DADDY!" Joey screamed. I snapped out of my trance and remembered I was looking for my keys. I got them from the nightstand and got my jacket. "Alright let's go Joey." I said walking out the door.

We were looking at some fishes. "Daddy I want this one!" he pointed to it. I looked at it. "You want this one?" "Yes!" he smiled. "Ok." I said.

***Later on***

I was in the music room playing my guitar while looking at Joey's fish. "Do you think I should play this note or this note?" I asked a damn fish. I just continued on playing chords and making up some lyrics. I dropped my book on the floor and some loose papers scattered. Oh gee. I set my guitar down and picked up my book and the papers. I looked at the song I made exactly for my lover. Damn it's been a long time. I had a flashback, the day I met her, the day we made love and until the day she let go. I snapped out of the trance and continued to pick up the papers and put them in my book. I got up and went upstairs. "Dad! there's a spider in my room can I keep it?" Joey grinned. "No it's going to bite you it could be a dangerous spider." I said. "but dad " "no." I said. "awww poop." he ran to Adrienne. I chuckled and walked into the room where Joey was begging to keep the spider. I started humming to a known melody. I stopped and realized I was singing 2000 light years away. I froze as the flashback of me singing the song to the love of my life. I shaked my head and hugged Adrienne. "So what's for dinner?" "I was thinking about Meat Loaf." "Ooooh sounds good." I chuckled.


Sorry I haven't been updating this book. But sorry if it doesn't make sense cause I wrote this like 2 months ago and I added more. Anyways this book is going to be updated more often. so yep.

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