Taryn Armstrong Chp.27

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"Take it like if tomorrow you'll see her."

That's the only thing that ran in my mind. Maybe Mike did have a point. Its been almost a month and still I have been waiting. My phone rang and I answered it. "Hello?" "Billie!! Come to the studio we have a suprise for you!" Tre yelled. "If it's beach bums then no thank you." "No just get over here jeez." he said.

I arrived at the studio in less than 15 minutes

"Im here." "BILLIE COME QUICK!" Tre said. Tre dragged me into the studio room and gave me a paper. "What is this?" "A paper and a number with words now read it!"

Mr. Armstrong
we are thankful of you to take this time to read this letter. We have kindly found your daughter over this recent time. If you'd like give us a call as soon as possible. Your daughter is waiting for you.

this cant be...MY OWN FUCKING DAUGHTER THEY FOUND HER!!! I felt tears of joy dwell up. "TARYN MY BABY!" "GET HER BILLIE!" Tre shook me. I reached out my phone and began dialing.

That moment has finally came
Taryn is finally coming home..
I cant believe it.

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