My Time Spins Around You Chp.26

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***5 months later***

Taryn's P.O.V

"THIS IS OUR LIVES ON HOLIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!" I sang out loud. Today was Christmas and I ran down the stairs and met my orphanage friend. Kiera. I talked to her and blah blah blah. She gave me a present and I smiled as i look at the present. It wasa charm bracelet. I hugged her and saw she had one on. I smiled and looked at her. "Thank you Kiera." I smiled. I gave her two pairs of earrings and a bracelet. She hugged me and I smiled.

Billie's P.O.V

"DADDY!! MOMMY!! IT'S CHRISTMAS WAKE UP!!!!" Jacob jumped on the bed. "Shhh Jacob you're gonna wake up your mother and brother." "DAAAAAAAD! MOOOOOM!" Joey came in the room. Adrienne sat up and sighed, "Let them." "Alright kids go get your presents." "YAY!" Jacob ran down the stairs and Joey did too.

I came downstairs with the kids and started getting them on camera. "What did Santa give you?" I asked. "A race car." Joey laughed. "Alright way to go! and you Jacob?" "A lego set!" He smiled. Haha they are so adorable.

I closed the camera and went to the kitchen. "Adie, can you make us pancakes?" "Sure." she chuckled and walked into the kitchen. I kissed her cheek and got a glass. I got some juice and poured myself some. I took a sip and sat down relaxing.

I received a call from Mike I answered it, "Hello?" "Hey man, Happy Christmas!" "Thanks Oh I got you a present." "Oh really? Thaks man I got you a little something too." "Haha. I'll be over in a bit ok?" "Alright man peace." "See ya." I hung up.

-*-*Later On-*-*

I was at Mike's house and I gave him his present. "Thanks man." He hugged me. "It's in great condition and it plays smoothly." he said admiring the bass. "I know I heard you over talking about it with Tre." "Haha. But Thanks Man. Oh I have a present for you." he said taking out this box it was kind of small. "What is this?" I said grabbing it. "Just open it." he said. I unwrapped it and it was a navy blue jewelry box. I opened it and gave it a close look up. It was a silver heart with a name carved in cursive. "Amy." I mumbled. I open it and saw photos of her. I smiled running a thumb over it. I looked in the box and saw a charm bracelet. It was beautiful and it bought so much memories. I cried thinking about those little moments. "It's alright man." he hugged me. "Man if my daughter was here I would so give her this to take care of it." I wiped a tear of my face. "She will return I promise you." he said. "These 11 years have been forever Mike. I take it like it barely happened yesterday." "Take it like if tomorrow you'll see her." he said. I thought about it for a moment. "Mike where did you get this?" "I was looking for my favorite guitar pick in the bus and well I found it." he said.

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